Vice President for the Private Sector



Vice President of the Private Sector
Tony Silveira


The Vice President for the Private Sector promotes and supports the development of the private sector and capital markets in shareholder countries by granting loans and equity investments, innovation, the mobilization of third-party funds and alliances with local strategic partners with a view to fostering sustainable economic development.



In addition to his current position at CAF, Jorge Arbache is a professor of economics at Universidade de Brasilia. He previously served as Vice Minister of International Affairs at Brazil’s Ministry of Planning, Chief Economist at the Ministry of Planning, Senior Economist at the World Bank, senior economic advisor at the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), Economist at the ILO, member of the board of directors of large companies and banks, Executive Secretary of the Brazil-China Investment Fund, among other roles.

Arbache has over 28 years of experience in government, academia, international organizations and the private sector. His interest focuses on economic growth agendas and sectoral policies including international trade, investment, productivity, competitiveness, innovation, digital economy, industry and services.
He has authored four books and dozens of scientific articles published in international academic journals. He is the creator of the blog, the main discussion forum on services and the digital economy in Brazil. He holds a degree in Economics and Law and a PhD in Economics from the University of Kent (UK).