CAF Impact

CAF Impact is an initiative that seeks to disseminate CAF’s contribution to development of Latin America and the Caribbean. We will be covering various action areas outlined in our 2026 strategy. Today, would like to share our contributions in the following areas:

About Impacto CAF

Measuring CAF’s impact is technically complex due to the difficulty of attributing to CAF-funded projects the results observed in beneficiaries. Therefore, ImpactoCAF characterizes CAF’s action and uses available scientific evidence on the impact of projects similar to those we finance to determine CAF’s impact in the region. 

CAF 2026 Strategy

With our renewed vision of becoming the bank of economic recovery and the green bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, we have prioritized six mission agendas in our strategic plan until 2026. The areas of action are aligned with four of these agendas. We will gradually cover other topics.

Schedule 1

Fair energy transition

Sustainable electrification

Schedule 2

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

Protected Natural Areas

Schedule 3

Resilient territories

Water and Sanitation
Urban Mobility

Schedule 4

Inclusive social welfare

Early childhood care

Schedule 5

Physical and digital infrastructure


Schedule 6

Productivity and internationalization

Support for SMEs
