In search of a new roadmap for global development
September 20, 2024

Sergio Díaz-Granados
Executive President, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-
Applied research regarding the development problems faced by Latin America is a critical element of CAF's strategy. This research provides the Institution with the possibility of intervening constructively in the debates on public policy in the region in addition to being an instrument to focus the Bank's business strategy. Cooperation with governments in research and knowledge projects is a service that CAF also offers the countries in order to generate useful information and analysis from the policies they implement.
September 20, 2024
Sergio Díaz-Granados
Executive President, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-
March 19, 2024
Dolores de la Mata
Economista Principal, CAF -banco de desarrollo de América Latina-
December 29, 2022
Adriana Arreaza
Directora de Estudios Macroeconómicos de CAF