Transforming rural roads into roads to stay

Article date: April 05, 2024

Autor del post - Mónica López

Coordinadora Unidad de Transportes, CAF -banco de desarrollo de América Latina-

I begin this reflection with a question: is it possible to adopt a philosophy of intervention on rural roads that is aligned with the principle of “roads to stay”? We are talking about little-traveled roads that offer authenticity of landscapes and belonging to the environment. These roads are not only physical routes, but also the threads of a priceless cultural and natural heritage. Preserving them means encouraging communities to remain rooted, avoiding displacement and promoting indigenous development. Infrastructure, therefore, must be an enabler to improve the quality of life without sacrificing our roots and traditions.

Challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean

We have heard countless times that the Latin American and Caribbean region faces significant challenges in terms of infrastructure and sustainable development. A significant gap that mainly affects rural areas, making them especially vulnerable. This situation correlates with high poverty rates, derived in part from low rates of rural accessibility and road trafficability. Approximately 90% of the road network in Latin America and the Caribbean is secondary and tertiary, with most stretches being poorly maintained. This reality underscores the imperative need to improve physical connectivity to effectively close this gap.

Towards a sustainable balance

Overcoming this challenge requires more than mere road construction and conservation; it demands a holistic approach that harmonizes with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are faced with the need to find a balance between overcoming infrastructure gaps and meeting these goals in rural areas.

This approach leads us to the concept of “just transition,” which goes beyond economic or environmental aspects by recognizing the importance of addressing social justice and equity concerns in the fight against climate change. For example, actions related to the improvement and rehabilitation of rural roads often have a high impact on communities, as they improve access to basic year-round public services such as health and education, generate openness to neighboring markets and open the opportunity for new jobs. This is reflected in the video


In addition, we know that the impacts on greenhouse gas emissions of these roads are not usually significant; however, it has been demonstrated that an improvement in the road surface means lower fuel consumption and therefore lower gas emissions2; in addition to promoting the circular economy through construction techniques that allow the use of existing materials such as pavement recycling. Likewise, the rehabilitation and maintenance of rural roads can improve climate change adaptation criteria in areas as important for their long-term conservation as drainage systems and slope stability.

A strategy for transformation

The strategy for transforming rural roads in Latin America and how this can improve the lives of local communities is detailed in CAF publications available in our virtual library. Exploring these resources can provide a greater understanding and appreciation of how rural roads can be a gateway to development and territorial connectivity.

Mónica López

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Mónica López

Coordinadora Unidad de Transportes, CAF -banco de desarrollo de América Latina-

Especialista sectorial con formación académica en ingeniería, medio ambiente y administración de empresas, y más de 15 años de experiencia en el sector privado y organizaciones multilaterales de crédito. Actualmente trabajando en la CAF-Banco de desarrollo de América Latina- liderando actividades de asistencia técnica, desarrollo de capacidades y fortalecimiento institucional, y participando como especialista sectorial en operaciones de crédito relacionadas con la infraestructura vial. Coordinadora de la agenda de conocimiento de las Asociaciones Público-Privadas de la Vicepresidencia de Infraestructuras del banco, en la que se incluyen talleres de capacitación y publicaciones como: Asociación Público-Privada en América Latina. Aprendiendo de la experiencia (  

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