About CAF

At CAF, we are convinced that our work is a mean to improve the quality of life for Latin Americans and Caribbeans.

Who we are

We are a development bank committed to improving the quality of life for all Latin Americans and Caribbeans. Our actions promote sustainable development and regional integration. We aim to convert ourselves into the green and blue bank, and the one responsible for the economic and social reactivation of the region.

We offer advice and financial support to the public and private sectors of our shareholder countries. In addition, we generate knowledge to strengthen public policies in Latin America and the Caribbean to improve the quality and impact of the projects we promote.

What we do

We promote a sustainable development model through credit operations, non-refundable resources and support in the technical and financial structuring of projects in the public and private sectors in Latin America.

Where we are

We are made up of 19 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as Spain, Portugal, and 13 Latin American private banks. We have 13 offices to handle the projects developed in the region.