Request for Proposals- Piura Integrated Transport System

Convocation from March 04 to April 21, 2019

CAF - Development Bank of Latin America, as executing agency, in collaboration with leading financial institution KfW, hereby invite any interested companies to submit proposals for the development of the project titled “Profile Level Pre-Investment Study for Phase 1 of the Piura Integrated Transport System in Peru.” This consultancy will be done with funds from the European Union through the "LAIF" (Latin America Investment Facility).

The services contemplated for this Proposal Request include the development of the pre-investment level profile study for Piura´s Integrated Transport System phase 1 in Peru, and its infrastructural, technical-operational, institutional, legal, social and environmental components, with a sustainable mobility approach. Services also include the requirements for the viability of the study as an investment project, as per the INVIERTE PE Peruvian public investment system guidelines. 

Conditions for submitting any Requests for Proposals, forms, requirements and clarifications are available in this website. 

The deadline for the submission of proposals is April 24, 2019 at 5:00 pm (UTC - 5). Proposals must be submitted in Spanish in print and CD format (protected PDF) in two marked envelopes to the following address:


CAF Offices in Peru

Avenida Enrique Canaval y Moreyra 380, Torre Siglo XXI, piso 13, San Isidro, Lima.

Phone: + 51-(01) 710-8511 Fax: + 51 (1) 716-9885


Any proposal submitted by email or to an address different from the one mentioned above will not be received under any circumstances.

Any request for clarification about the Request for Proposals must be submitted via the form included in the email specified in the rules by April 09, 2019 at 5:00 pm (UTC - 5).


April 09, 2019: Deadline for the receipt of requests for clarification about the Request for Proposals (to be submitted via the form included in the email specified in the rules only).

April 24, 2019 at 5:00 pm: Deadline for the submission of Request for Proposals.