Professional services wanted for SAP implementation at CAF
Convocation from July 30 to August 12, 2020
An international public tender for professional services has been issued, for provision of support in the implementation of the SAP solution, in connection with a SAP Rollout Project, which involves a new solution at CAF, composed of SAP Concur, SAP Ariba and SAP S/4HANA solutions
The professional services to be procured will start at the implementation phase of the S/4HANA solution, supporting CAF during the implementation process with the SAP provider, which will include activities aimed at maximizing the use of the SAP Solution to be implemented, and will end with post-live stabilization activities.
The call is intended for companies specialized in SAP (SAP Partners), with proven knowledge and recent experience in professional services and design of integrated SAP-based systems, preferably with experience in S/4HANA that can offer support capabilities during implementation and post-production.
Interested parties must submit documentation through the means and under the conditions indicated in the document “Public Notice - CAF SAP Application Services.” Once the applications have been reviewed based on the criteria and results of the analysis made by CAF, the shortlisted parties will receive the terms of reference and will be invited to submit bids.
Interested parties may make enquiries through the form attached to this call.
Acuerdo de Confidencialidad - Implementación de la solución SAP aplicación en CAF
Format docx | Weight 32 KB
Notificación de intención de participación - Implementación de la solución SAP aplicación en CAF
Format docx | Weight 22 KB