NOOC itinerary about the Economy and Development Report (RED)

Sign up for the course from November 07, 2024 to December 31, 2025
Open registration
Start date
November 07, 2024
419 days
1 hour
End date
December 31, 2025
What is a NOOC?
Short online courses with free access. These nano-courses have been developed so that Latin Americans and Caribbeans can quickly, concisely, and easily learn about the contributions of the RED (Economic and Development Report), the most important publication by CAF —development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean—.
You’ll find NOOCs on RED 2022, RED 2023, and RED 2024. You can take one, two, or all three of them, and complete them in any order you prefer, as they are independent courses.
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Topics of the NOOCs
- NOOC on RED 2022: Inherited Inequalities
This report examines the persistent inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean, one of the most unequal regions in the world, highlighting its deep historical roots that make it resistant to change and transmissible from one generation to the next. Through a multidimensional diagnosis, it analyzes the evolution of intergenerational mobility affected by education, income, health, and wealth accumulation. It documents barriers to social mobility linked to family socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity, and geographic location. The report also presents policies to improve access to opportunities and reduce the transmission of inequalities to future generations, aiming for a more equitable and sustainable development.
This course aims to provide tools to diagnose the persistence of inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean, exploring the structural barriers that limit social mobility in key areas of well-being, such as education, income, health, and asset accumulation. It also seeks to propose public policies to break the cycle of inherited inequality and ensure better opportunities for future generations.
This course is aimed at policymakers, academics, international organizations, and social leaders interested in promoting more equitable and inclusive development in the region. It also targets students and teachers seeking to understand the challenges of inequality and intergenerational mobility in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- NOOC on RED 2023: Global challenges, regional solutions
The planet's climate is changing, and biodiversity is declining at an accelerated rate. Both phenomena pose major threats to humanity, yet human activities are responsible for this crisis. Latin America and the Caribbean are not immune to these challenges, facing them from a position of economic and social fragility.
To train participants to analyze critical issues such as climate change and biodiversity preservation. Through case studies, discussions, and interactive activities, they will identify and develop strategies to implement effective, localized solutions to global challenges like climate change and biodiversity preservation, promoting collaboration between local, regional, and international actors.
This course is designed for professionals, students, and anyone interested in finding solutions to these global problems from a regional perspective, as well as those who want to contribute to sustainable development in their communities.
- NOOC on RED 2024: Renewed Energies: A just energy transition for sustainable development
Amidst the energy transition, understanding the key concepts that reveal how it affects communities and what measures can ensure that the changes in energy production and consumption are fair is crucial. This involves fairness across three dimensions: intergenerationally, as today’s emissions impact future generations’ well-being; internationally, as historical emissions between countries have been highly unequal; and domestically, as the transition may disproportionately impact the most vulnerable populations in each country.
Through this training, you will learn how the energy transition can help combat climate change, improve quality of life, and drive economic development, ensuring inclusive and environmentally respectful progress.
This course is open to anyone interested in learning about the future of energy and its impact on sustainable development.