2019 EDR Presentation in the Caribbean
CAF -Development Bank of Latin America- is pleased to invite to join the webinar flagship report presentation (RED) 2019: "Integrity in public policy: Keys to prevent corruption"
Event date:
December 02, 2020
Corruption has been one of the main concerns of our region for some time now. This is hardly a surprise, considering the significant negative effects that corruption has on development. It affects the productivity and economic growth of countries, it reduces the capacity of the State to provide public goods and services, and it can weaken society’s trust in institutions.
Recent scandals have led to a resurgence of the issue, and currently the fight against corruption is a central point of public debate in Latin America and the Caribbean. With this report, CAF contributes to the ongoing reform agenda in order to promote integrity in public policies. The study covers different areas of action, including the functioning of control and oversight instances within the state; the importance of electoral and civil service systems to attract independent and honest public officials; the role of transparency initiatives and citizen control; and the strengthening of institutional and legal frameworks to limit the influence of private interests in public policy decisions.
Date: December 2nd, 2020
09h00 Jamaica, Eastern Standard Time
10h00 Barbados, Eastern Daylight Time, Trinidad and Tobago
Streaming will be available on this webpage
The Honourable Colm Imbert
Minister of Finance, Trinidad and Tobago
The Honourable Marsha Caddle
M.P., Minister in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Investment, Barbados
Pablo Sanguinetti
Vice President of Knowledge, CAF –Development Bank of Latin America-
Gustavo Fajardo
Principal Economist - CAF - development bank of Latin America
Gianpiero Leoncini
Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de CAF
The Honourable Colm Imbert
Minister of Finance, Trinidad and Tobago
Registered Engineer with two degrees in Civil Engineering and two postgraduate degrees in Law. He has over 40 years’ experience in the construction industry. To date, he has served as an elected PNM Member of Parliament for 29 continuous years and as a Cabinet Minister in six PNM Governments for an aggregate Cabinet experience of over 18 years. He has served as Minister of Works and Transport; Minister of Local Government; Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education; Minister of Health; and Minister of Finance. After the PNM’s victory at the General Election in 2020, he was reappointed as Minister of Finance.
The Honourable Marsha Caddle
M.P., Minister in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Investment, Barbados
Pablo Sanguinetti
Vice President of Knowledge, CAF –Development Bank of Latin America-
He has a Ph.D. and a Master's in Economics from the University of California, and a Master's in Economics from Instituto Torcuato Di Tella. Currently, he works as a professor of Economics at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. His research interests are in the areas of foreign trade and integration, economic development, and fiscal federalism. Previously, he was a researcher and visiting professor at the University of New Mexico, the University of Texas (A&M), and the University of Bonn. He has been a member of LARR (Latin America Research Review) and has worked as a consultant for the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), and CAF-development bank of Latin America. He has also been member of the board of the National Commission of Foreign Trade of Argentina. view publications
Gustavo Fajardo
Principal Economist - CAF - development bank of Latin America
Ph.D. in Economics at the Center for Monetary and Financial Studies - CEMFI (Spain). Master in Economics from the same university. Degree in Economics from the University of Carabobo (Venezuela). His research interests are in the areas of political economy, migration and economic development. View publications
Gianpiero Leoncini
Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de CAF
Es Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas con especialización en Relaciones Internacionales por el Instituto de Estudios Políticos de París y con una Maestría en Administración Pública en la Escuela Nacional de Administración (ENA), Francia. Ha tenido un destacado desempeño en CAF durante los últimos 14 años, en los cuales ocupó las posiciones de Ejecutivo Principal y Ejecutivo Senior en el área de Secretaría y Relaciones Externas; Director de Secretaría y Relaciones Externas; Representante de CAF en Trinidad y Tobago; y Asesor de la Vicepresidencia Ejecutiva. Antes de vincularse a CAF, ejerció importantes cargos como Jefe de Gabinete del Secretario General y como Oficial de la Dirección General de Asuntos Políticos y Sociales en la Secretaría General de la Comunidad Andina.