5th Latin American Conference on Sanitation (LATINOSAN)
CAF will take part in the Latin America Conference on Sanitation (LATINOSAN), an international event held every three years with the purpose of promoting access to high-quality and sustainable sanitation in urban and rural settings
Event date:
April 01, 2019 - April 01, 2019

On April 1-3, Costa Rica will host the 5th Latin American Conference on Sanitation (Latinosan), a forum for political and technical discussion to help coordinate decision making, improve the distribution of financial resources by governments and civil society, and empower countries to advance in improving public policies, legislation, institutional linkages and human resources, for the purpose of enhancing the status of sanitation in the region.
The conference is considered the most important event on sanitation in the region and will feature prominent public and private stakeholders, scholars and cooperation agencies. The discussions will revolve on the development of sanitation and wastewater treatment infrastructures as a key aspect to build capacities in the sector in Latin America, as one of the essential factors to improve health and help meet the challenges posed by the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Conference will include events such as the launch of the Latin American Water and Sanitation Observatory (OLAS), a platform that will contribute to regional harmonization and coordination by optimizing the different countries´efforts.
As a strategic partner in this fifth edition of LATINOSAN, CAF is supporting the participation of Latin American countries at the Conference, while helping in the organization by coordinating a Master Conference on financing and management models, as well as four thematic sessions:
- Session 1.3: Improving the efficiency of water and sanitation companies. Along with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
- Session 1.5: Regulation as a mechanism to achieve efficient, equitable and affordable services. In coordination with the International Water Association (IWA)
- Session 2.4: PPPs in wastewater treatment and disposal. In conjunction with the World Bank
- Session 2.4: Business models to encourage reuse and recovery of wastewater treatment plants. In coordination with the World Bank
See the conference schedule: https://latinosan2019cr.com/programa