CAF at the Cities Summit of the Americas
The Cities Summit of the Americas will promote regional cooperation, convening subnational leaders from across the entire Western Hemisphere with representatives of government, civil society, business, academia, youth, culture and the arts, and indigenous and underrepresented groups, to build relationships and promote regional cooperation in a wide variety of thematic areas.
The cities of Latin America and the Caribbean are changing, and in the process, they are leading the region's transformation. If current demographic trends continue, by 2050 it is expected that more than 86% of the region's population will live in cities (UN, 2018). Moreover, it is estimated that, by 2050, nine out of ten Latin Americans will reside in cities.
On the other hand, the solution to problems as poverty and exclusion faced by Latin America and the Caribbean, that have deepened due to the pandemic, and to the environmental conflicts generated by the development model as well as to the global climate crisis, demand responses provided by all levels of government, at the regional, national and subnational levels.
Under this circumstances, CAF's actions around urban development seek to seek to strengthen cities as the engine of Latin America's economic, sustainable and inclusive recovery.
Moreover, CAF promotes an urban development model that places people at the center of the action regardless of their gender, ethnic or capacity differences, and that allows rethinking the link with nature through the preservation of biodiversity, the construction of a sustainable habitat through a more comprehensive view of the territories that imply a better urban management.
As part of these efforts, within the framework of the Cities Summit of the Americas 2023, CAF will organize sessions that will address important topics of the social agenda, such as biodiversity, infrastructure development, sustainable transportation, gender and digitalization, or sports and inclusion.
Event date:
April 26, 2023 - April 26, 2023

Date: April 26th-28th, 2023
Place: Denver, Colorado
CAF's agenda for the Cities of the Americas Summit 2023
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