CAF at Finance in Common

From September 4 to 6, Cartagena, Colombia,will host the 2023 edition of the Finance in Common Summit (FiCS), that will gather Public Development Banks’ (PDBs) representatives from around the world and their main players in the sustainable financing to showcase their crucial role to make finance more inclusive and more sustainable.


Event date:

September 04, 2023 - September 04, 2023


The fourth edition of the Finance in Common Summit will gather the global network of Public Development Banks (PDBs) to strengthen coordination and cooperation with governments, international organizations, the private sector, and civil society to promote sustainable development and align financial flows with the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement.

This year's edition is co-hosted by CAF - development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean - the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Bancóldex and the Latin American Association of Development Finance Institutions (ALIDE).

SMEs and financial inclusion, Climate and biodiversity, Sustainable infrastructure and Institutional agenda of the BPDs are the four main themes of the Summit, which will also have four cross-cutting themes: social integration and impact on development, mobilization of private capital towards the SDGs, collaboration with civil society and incorporation of human rights in strategies and programs, and the perspective of Latin America and the Caribbean.


Visit the Finance in Common website and follow the livestreams



Conoce la participación de CAF - banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe - en la Cumbre Finance in Common.

Day 1

September 04, 2023

Day 2

September 05, 2023

Day 3

September 06, 2023

    Plenary 1 - Building New Alliances for the Next Generation of Development Financing

    Carolina España | Executive Vice President of CAF (E) and CAF Representative in Colombia

    Panel 1 - From Colombia to the World: The New Vision for Public Development Banking

    Rodrigo Peñailillo | CAF´s representative in Colombia

    Roundtable 2 - Supporting a Just Transition and Just Resilience: Emerging Approaches and Partnership Opportunities

    Alicia Montalvo | Manager for Climate Action and Positive Biodiversity, CAF-Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

    Plenary 2 - Latin America and Caribbean - 2030-2050 Vision

    Christian Asinelli | Corporate Vicepresident of Strategic Programming, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-


    • Fijar una perspectiva de futuro para América Latina y el Caribe y proponer el marco para que los BPD ayuden desarrollar soluciones para lograr dicha visión, como catalizadores.
    • Identificar enfoques innovadores: animar a los participantes a explorar e identificar enfoques innovadores que puedan abordar los desafíos socioeconómicos que enfrenta ALC, particularmente en inversión social. Con el objetivo de generar insights procesables y soluciones potenciales para impulsar el desarrollo sostenible en el región.
    • Destacar el potencial y las oportunidades en ALC.
    • Promover la colaboración de las partes interesadas: facilitar la creación de redes, oportunidades y debates entre bancos de desarrollo,  funcionarios, representantes del sector privado, sociedad civil organizaciones, formuladores de políticas y el mundo académico para fomentar colaboración y asociaciones.
    • El objetivo es fomentar sinergias entre las partes interesadas y promover esfuerzos colectivos para promover el papel de los bancos de desarrollo para lograr los visión propuesta para ALC, mejorando así la vida en ALC.

    Panel 2 - Maximising Impact: Leveraging PDBs and GSGII’s National Advisory Boards for Sustainable Investment Synergies in Latin America

    Jorge Arbache | Private Sector Vice-president, CAF -Development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

    Roundtable 5 - Fostering a Just Transition to the SDGs and a Low-Carbon World

    Antonio Silveira | Vice President of Infrastructure, CAF –Development Bank of Latin America-


Sergio Díaz-Granados

Executive President, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-


Christian Asinelli

Corporate Vicepresident of Strategic Programming, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-


Carolina España

Executive Vice President of CAF (E) and CAF Representative in Colombia

Jorge Arbache

Private Sector Vice-president, CAF -Development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

Gabriel Felpeto

Vice President of Finance of CAF - development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean

Alicia Montalvo

Manager for Climate Action and Positive Biodiversity, CAF-Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

Rodrigo Peñailillo

CAF´s representative in Colombia

Antonio Silveira

Vice President of Infrastructure, CAF –Development Bank of Latin America-

Alejandra Botero

Manager of Planning and Development Impact, CAF - development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean

Ángel Cárdenas

General manager of urban development, water and creative economies, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

Samya Paiva

Corporate Risk Manager - CAF - development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean

Alberto Ñecco

General Manager of CAF-AM

Franz Rojas Ortuste

Coordinator of the Water Agenda, CAF

Juan Pablo Salazar

Inclusion Coordinator, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-

Darío Mejía

Chairman of the United Nations Permanent Forum

Jaime Pumarejo Heins

Mayor of Barranquilla, Colombia

Sergio Díaz-Granados

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Sergio Díaz-Granados

Executive President, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-


Sergio Díaz-Granados has extensive experience in public and private service, both nationally and internationally, with special emphasis on regional development and integration issues. Before assuming the presidency of CAF, he served as Executive Director for Colombia at the Inter-American Development Bank. He previously held the positions of Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, Vice Minister of Business Development and President of the Boards of Directors of Bancóldex and ProColombia. He also has been a congressman and chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee of the Colombia’s House of Representatives.

Christian Asinelli

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Christian Asinelli

Corporate Vicepresident of Strategic Programming, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-


Christian Asinelli is a political scientist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA), has a Master's degree in Public Administration and Policy from the Universidad de San Andrés (UdeSA) and postgraduate degrees in Urban Economics (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella) and in Sociourbana Management (FLACSO). In 2019, he received his Ph.D in Political Science from the National University of San Martín (Argentina). During the last sixteen years he has been appointed in different roles in the public sector and the international arena: Alternate National Director of the State Modernization Project at the Chief of Staff of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Nation (2005); Deputy of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (2007-2010); Undersecretary of Evaluation of Projects with External Financing of the Chief of Staff of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Nation (2011-2014); Corporate Director of Institutional Development of CAF (2014-2017); President of the Fundación Banco Ciudad (2019) and Undersecretary of International Financial Relations for Development, Secretariat of Strategic Affairs, Presidency of the Nation. He was a Fellow of the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program (2010), the Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies-MIT (2011) and the Singularity University Executive Program (2017). He is the author of the books Buenos Aires: The city we have, the city we want (Buenos Aires, 2009); Modernization of the Argentine State: policies, management and professional scene (Buenos Aires, Edition, 2015) and Financing Development: The role of multilateral banking in Latin America (Buenos Aires, 2021).

Carolina España

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Carolina España

Executive Vice President of CAF (E) and CAF Representative in Colombia

Carolina España was responsible for financing from international institutions and other multilateral organizations, as well as managing relations with development entities and governments, in order to attract resources for the region. He also worked on the design of the institution's bond issuance strategy, in terms of cost optimization and investor diversification, and was in charge of relations with risk rating agencies and investors, as well as support for activities of the institution in the international capital markets. Spain, with a master's degree in Finance and a Systems Engineering degree from the Metropolitan University of Venezuela, worked as a consultant on treasury management systems for Price Waterhouse, a company in which she participated in several projects for companies in Venezuela such as PDVSA, Mavesa and Corimón. .  

Jorge Arbache

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Jorge Arbache

Private Sector Vice-president, CAF -Development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

Gabriel Felpeto

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Gabriel Felpeto

Vice President of Finance of CAF - development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean

Alicia Montalvo

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Alicia Montalvo

Manager for Climate Action and Positive Biodiversity, CAF-Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

É, desde setembro de 2020, Conselheira Chefe do Escritório Econômico e Comercial da Embaixada da Espanha na Colômbia, representando também a ICEX Espanha Exportação e Investimento. Anteriormente, desde setembro de 2017, é Diretora Executiva para a Espanha no Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento, com sede em Washington. É licenciada em Economia pela Universidade de Valência e Mestre em Administração Pública MPA2 pela Universidade de Harvard (1992) (Bolsa Fulbright).
Técnica Comercial e Economista do Estado do Governo de Espanha, desde 2014 exerce o cargo de Diretora Geral da ICEX Espanha Exportação e Investimento, do Ministério da Economia e Competitividade, com responsabilidade pelos serviços às empresas, programas de formação, cooperação institucional e transformação digital . Anteriormente, desde 2012, foi Diretora de Infraestruturas, Ambiente, Energia e TIC desta mesma entidade. De 2008 a 2012, foi Diretora Geral do Escritório Espanhol de Mudanças Climáticas do Ministério do Meio Ambiente espanhol, onde foi responsável, entre outros, pelo processo de negociação internacional sobre mudanças climáticas nas COPs da Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas e em os fóruns da União Europeia. Ele também foi membro do Comitê de Transição responsável pela criação do Fundo Verde. Anteriormente, desenvolveu sua carreira no Ministério de Economia e Finanças da Espanha, sendo Diretora Geral Adjunta de Economia Internacional e, como tal, membro dos Comitês de Política Econômica da União Europeia e da OCDE por seis anos. Foi também Diretora de Política Comercial e Investimentos Estrangeiros, responsável pelo Fundo de Assistência ao Desenvolvimento e Diretora Geral Adjunta de Gestão da Dívida Externa e Avaliação de Projetos, lançando os primeiros programas de conversão de dívida em investimento. Foi professora associada na Universidade Carlos III de Madrid, no Departamento de Economia Aplicada, leccionando a disciplina de Economia dos Recursos Naturais (1993-2000).

Rodrigo Peñailillo

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Rodrigo Peñailillo

CAF´s representative in Colombia

Antonio Silveira

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Antonio Silveira

Vice President of Infrastructure, CAF –Development Bank of Latin America-

He holds a Doctorate in Economics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He was Deputy Chief of the Economic Advisory section of the Ministry of Planning, Secretary of Economic Monitoring of the Ministry of Finance and Minister of the Secretariat of Ports of the Government of Brazil. He participated in the Board of Directors of public and private companies, in which Caixa Económica Federal, Vale S.A. (Fiscal Council) and Banco do Nordeste merit particular mention. He was Executive Director for Brazil at the World Bank and the IDB.

Alejandra Botero

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Alejandra Botero

Manager of Planning and Development Impact, CAF - development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean

Ángel Cárdenas

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Ángel Cárdenas

General manager of urban development, water and creative economies, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

Manager of urban development and creative economies for CAF- Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-. He previously served as a director for the energy projects for the South Region at CAF. Angel Cardenas is an Eisenhower Fellow at Eisenhower Fellowships, a forum that brings leaders from around the world to spend several weeks meeting with experts in their fields of interest throughout the US in the spirit of making the world more peaceful, prosperous, and just. Cardenas has worked for the World Bank, Universidad Central de Venezuela, and the University of Toronto.

Samya Paiva

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Samya Paiva

Corporate Risk Manager - CAF - development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean

Alberto Ñecco

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Alberto Ñecco

General Manager of CAF-AM

Alberto Ñecco is a Peruvian economist from the University of Lima who has a master's degree in business administration (MBA) from the European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD by its French acronym). The general manager of CAF-AM has more than 20 years of experience in the financial sector and investment banking in entities such as ING Bank, Deutsche Bank, Banco de Crédito del Perú, and Credicorp Capital, where he actively worked in its creation through the purchase of leading investment banks in Colombia and Chile to later become the first regional CFO of Credicorp Capital and finally Executive Director of Corporate Development, participating in the creation of the Credicorp/Sura company for the development of private debt investment funds for infrastructure in Peru and Colombia; and more recently in the public sector as Vice Minister of Transportation and Executive Director of the Private Investment Promotion Agency (ProInversión), having awarded a total of 18 projects during his management with a total investment of approximately USD 4,400 million, in addition to having promoted important initiatives to optimize PPP processes.

Franz Rojas Ortuste

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Franz Rojas Ortuste

Coordinator of the Water Agenda, CAF

Doctor in Government and Public Policies. Coordinator of the Water Agenda at CAF. Alternate Governor on the World Water Council. Magister in Hydraulics and Civil Engineer from UNAM with the Gabino Barreda medal; experience of more than thirty years in Latin America. He was Coordinator of the WSP of the World Bank in Bolivia; Senior Water Advisor for the German GIZ Cooperation in Peru and Bolivia for twelve years. He led the Water Regulatory Body of Bolivia by presidential appointment. He was National Manager of Engineering and Technical Standards and Assistant Manager of Studies at CONAGUA, Mexico. Consultant for international organizations on three continents and with several published books.

Juan Pablo Salazar

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Juan Pablo Salazar

Inclusion Coordinator, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-

Darío Mejía

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Darío Mejía

Chairman of the United Nations Permanent Forum

Jaime Pumarejo Heins

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Jaime Pumarejo Heins

Mayor of Barranquilla, Colombia

He is an information systems administrator from Purdue University, Indiana, United States. He has a master's degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in finance, from the Madrid Business Institute, Spain. He was secretary of Economic Development of the Atlantic and general manager of the Puerta de Oro Caribbean Events Center, one of the largest infrastructure projects in the city. He has been Secretary of Mobility of Barranquilla and Manager of City Development, where he was in charge of projects of great impact, such as Siembra Barranquilla. In 2017 he was appointed Minister of Housing, City and Territory of Colombia and in 2019 he was elected as Mayor of Barranquilla.