Launch of the RED "Renewed Energies: A just energy transition for sustainable development"

CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean- invites to the regional launch of the Report on Economic Development “Renewed Energies: A Just Energy Transition for Sustainable Development”.

This new edition of the RED underscores the need to carry out a just energy transition, approached from the perspective of Latin America and the Caribbean, recognizing the particular realities of each country in the region and the need to address historical development lags.

The launch of the RED will include the official presentation of the document, the intervention of a keynote speaker, a panel of high-level experts to deepen the issues discussed, with the aim of generating a constructive dialogue and concrete proposals to move towards a just and sustainable energy transition in Latin America and the Caribbean.

It also seeks to be a starting point to promote concrete and collaborative actions that promote a more sustainable and equitable energy future in the region. This event represents a valuable opportunity to join efforts, share knowledge and work towards a common goal: to safeguard our planet and ensure a prosperous and fair development.


Date: June 13, 2024.

Time: 6:00 p.m. (Chile Time)

The event will be broadcasted on this page


18:00 – 18:05 | Welcome

  • Juan Carlos Jobet, Dean of the Business School of the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

18:05 – 18:25 | Opening remarks 

  • Sergio Díaz-Granados, Executive President, CAF
  • Maisa Rojas, Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Chile
  • Diego Pardow, Minister of Energy of the Republic of Chile

18:25 – 19:00  | RED Presentation

  • Fernando Álvarez, Senior Economist, Socioeconomic Research Directorate, CAF 
  • Lian Allub, Chief Economist, Socioeconomic Research Directorate, CAF 

19:00 – 19:15 | Comments on RED

  • Francisco Muñoz, Director of Studies, Generadoras de Chile

19:15 – 20:00 | Discussion panel “Towards a sustainable energy future: challenges and opportunities”.

Modera: Verónica Frisancho, Knowledge Manager, CAF 

  • Claudio Maggi, Strategic Affairs Manager, CORFO 
  • Maria Olivia Recart, President, APEC Chile, President of Comunidad Mujer and Business Director 
  • Juan Carlos Jobet, Dean of the Business School of the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

20:00 | Closure

  • Heidi Berner, Undersecretary of Finance of the Republic of Chile
  • Christian Asinelli, Corporate Vice President of Strategic Programming, CAF 


Sergio Díaz-Granados
Sergio Díaz-Granados

Executive President, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

Christian Asinelli
Christian Asinelli

Corporate Vicepresident of Strategic Programming, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

Maisa Rojas
Maisa Rojas

Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Chile

Diego Pardow
Diego Pardow

Minister of Energy of the Republic of Chile

Verónica Frisancho
Verónica Frisancho

Knowledge Manager, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

Juan Carlos Jobet
Juan Carlos Jobet

Dean of the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Business School

Claudio Maggi
Claudio Maggi

Strategic Affairs Manager of the Chilean Corporation for the Promotion of Production (CORFO)

Fernando Alvarez
Fernando Alvarez

Senior Research Economist, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-

Maria Olivia Recart
Maria Olivia Recart

President, APEC Chile, President of Comunidad Mujer and Business Director

Francisco Muñoz
Francisco Muñoz

Director of Studies, Generadoras de Chile

Lian Allub
Lian Allub

Principal Economist, Directorate of Socioeconomic Research, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-

Heidi Berner
Heidi Berner

Undersecretary of Finance of the Republic of Chile