CAF Conference: Europe - Latin America and the Caribbean relations

July 09 to June 09, 2024

Sevilla, Spain

CAF - Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean - invites you to the CAF Europe Conference, an annual meeting that brings together leading experts and opinion leaders from different sectors to reflect on the state of the transatlantic relationship and address future opportunities and challenges.

We often forget that the histories of Spain and Latin America are linked, that we are traversed by memories that materialized in streets and buildings, languages and forms of expression, food and rhythms that, although with the singularities of time, climate and geography, find a common past.

We are in a changing world, where breaking paradigms is precisely one of the main gateways to achieve deeper learning processes. Spain and Latin America each have their own history, experiences and ways of doing things that are reflected in unique cities and mature cultural and creative processes. The whole world that wants to consume its spaces, its music, its flavors and its landscapes.

Within the framework of its Cultural and Creative Economies and Tourism Strategy, CAF seeks to support cross-pollination processes, such as those that will allow our cultural and creative assets to cross borders and find disruptive and innovative proposals. We seek to generate conversations, understand how we are facing our challenges and find new ways of doing things.

This meeting will be an opportunity to discuss: i) the important role of Cultural and Creative Economies and Tourism for the social and economic development of Latin America and the Caribbean; ii) the experiences of Ibero-American cities in revitalizing their historic centers, based on their cultural and creative wealth that sustain their identity and at the same time open opportunities for economic and social development; iii) the founding of several Latin American cities and the existing opportunities for collaboration and exchange of experiences with Spain.


Date: July 9, 2024

Time: 9:00 a.m.

Place: Teatro Fundación Cajasol, Sevilla, Spain


Spanish Time


9:00 - 9:25 - 9:25  Welcome remarks

  • Antonio Pulido, President of the Cajasol Foundation

9:05 - 9:20 | Opening remarks

  • Susana Sumelzo, Secretary of State for Iberoamerica and the Caribbean and Spanish in the World, Government of Spain
  • José Luis Sanz Ruiz, Mayor of Seville
  • Sergio Díaz-Granados, Executive President, CAF

9:25 - 9:35 : Talk 1 - Culture, Creativity and Territorial Innovation. CAF's commitment to strengthening the Cultural and Creative Economies in LAC.

  • Ángel Cárdenas, Manager of Urban Development, Water and Creative Economies, CAF


9:35 - 10:25 : Panel 1 - Culture and Creativity: an opportunity for inclusion and social integration


  • Ángel Cárdenas, Manager of Urban Development, Water and Creative Economies, CAF.


  • Blanca Parejo, Director, Alalá Sevilla Foundation.
  • Gunna Chaparro, Arhuaco Pueblo Leader
  • Isabel Vásquez, Director of the Tras la Perla Foundation

10:25 - 10:30 | Special Intervention

  • Francisco Herrero, President of the Ibero-American Association of Chambers of Commerce

10:30 - 11:20 | Panel 2 - Tourism as an engine for the development of cities


  • Óscar Rueda, Director of Sustainable Tourism, CAF


  • Enrique Vargas, Coordinator of the Ibero-American Cultural Space, SEGIB.
  • Gustavo Santos, Regional Director for the Americas, UN Tourism
  • Norma Bustamante, Mayor of Mexicali

11:20 - 11:35 | Coffee Break


11:35 - 11:45 | Talk 2 - Cantes de ida y vuelta: musical influences between regions

Joining us:

  • Rafael de Utrera, Cantaor; and Antonio Santiago "Ñoño", Guitarist
  • Luis Ybarra Ramírez, Director of the Seville Flamenco Biennial

11:45 - 12:35 | Panel 3 - 500th Anniversary of Latin American and Caribbean Cities


  • Pablo Guayasamin Madrinan, Project Coordinator, Office of the Assistant Director-General for Culture, UNESCO.


  • Juan de la Rosa, Councilor for Urban Planning and Heritage, Seville City Council*.
  • María Mercedes Abondano, International Cooperation Advisor, Office of the Mayor of Cartagena de Indias
  • Almudena Maíllo, Secretary General UCCI
  • Sina del Rosario, Technical Director of the Santo Domingo City Council

12:35 - 12:40 | Special Intervention

  • Nuria Villanova, President of CEAPI

12:40 - 13:20 | Historical Conversation


  • Juan Esteban Constaín
  • Carlos Granés, writer
  • Elvira Roca, writer

13:20 - 13:30 | Coffee Break

13:30 - 14:30 | Special Intervention - Music from here and there. Musical heritage, from the Caribbean to the world


  • Carlos Vives, singer-songwriter


Sergio Díaz-Granados
Sergio Díaz-Granados

Executive President, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

Antonio Pulido
Antonio Pulido

Chairman of the Cajasol Foundation

Susana Sumelzo
Susana Sumelzo

Secretary of State for Ibero-America, the Caribbean and Spanish in the World, Government of Spain

Jordi Martí Grau
Jordi Martí Grau

Secretary of State for Culture, Government of Spain

José Luis Sanz Ruiz
José Luis Sanz Ruiz

Mayor of Seville

Gustavo Santos
Gustavo Santos

Regional Director for the Americas, UN Tourism

Bruno Soares Reis
Bruno Soares Reis

Mayor of Salvador de Bahia

Blanca Parejo
Blanca Parejo

Director Alalá Sevilla Foundation

Gunna Chaparro
Gunna Chaparro

Arhuaca leaderess

Óscar Rueda
Óscar Rueda

Director of Sustainable Tourism, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

Arturo Bernal
Arturo Bernal

Councilor of Tourism, Culture and Sports of Andalusia

Niels Olsen
Niels Olsen

Minister of Tourism of Ecuador

Norma Bustamante
Norma Bustamante

Mayor of Mexicali

Narciso Casado Martín
Narciso Casado Martín

General Director CEOE International and permanent secretary general of CEIB

Luis Ybarra Ramírez
Luis Ybarra Ramírez

Director of the Flamenco Biennial of Seville

Almudena Maíllo
Almudena Maíllo

Secretary General UCCI

Ángel Cárdenas
Ángel Cárdenas

General manager of urban development, water and creative economies, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

Juan de la Rosa
Juan de la Rosa

Councilman of Urbanism and Heritage, Seville City Council

Teresa Margarita Londoño
Teresa Margarita Londoño

Secretary of Tourism for the Mayor's Office of Cartagena de Indias

Sina del Rosario
Sina del Rosario

Technical Director of the Municipality of Santo Domingo

Pablo Guayasamin Madriñan
Pablo Guayasamin Madriñan

Project Coordinator in the Office of the Assistant Director-General for Culture at UNESCO

Juan Esteban Constaín
Juan Esteban Constaín


Elvira Roca
Elvira Roca


Carlos Granés
Carlos Granés


Carlos Vives
Carlos Vives

Colombian singer

Inés María Zabaraín Pinto
Inés María Zabaraín Pinto
