4th Water Latin America-Spain Dialogues
Representatives of water management institutions, experts from international agencies, academic centers and the private sector will discuss the role of innovation in agribusiness and the urban water cycle.
Event date:
October 23, 2018

The Water Dialogues are discussion forums organized annually for the purpose of promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences between Latin America and Spain on water issues.
In the , the event brought together experts from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss the challenges currently faced by governments to achieve a high-level political pact that contributes to ensure water security. In this edition, the goal is to reinforce the value of innovation as an essential tool for efficient water management and discuss new progress in this area.
This event is part of a strategic platform for long-term collaboration developed by CAF-development bank of Latin America- and the Kingdom of Spain, through the ministries for Ecological Transition (MITECO), Economy and Enterprise (MINECO) and Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation (MAEUEC).
Date: October 23.
Venue: Casa de América, Madrid, Spain.
Time: 9:15 a.m. to 1:50 p.m.
You can follow the event on live streaming.