Our Ocean 2023 is a space for collaborative dialogue between heads of state, private sector, civil society, and academic institutions to discuss how we can save our marine resources, promote sustainable use, and educate the public about our ocean.

Most importantly, it will bring attention to the critical importance of the implementation of well-connected systems of effective area-based management measures, including Marine Protected Areas, the development of the global blue economy and proposing innovative solutions to address marine pollution.

Event date:

March 02, 2023 - March 02, 2023


In March 2023, the Republic of Panama will become the first Central American country to host the Our Ocean Conference. With the theme ‘Our Ocean, Our Connection‘, the Government of Panama will highlight the importance of knowledge as the basis of our actions and policies to ensure protection of our ocean, responsible management of marine resources, and sustainable future economic growth. The 8th Our Ocean Conference will be a momentous event for all governments, businesses, and people to demonstrate their interest in saving the ocean through measurable impacts and cooperation.




The 8th Our Ocean Conference will highlight the importance of creating MPAs, growing Sustainable Blue Economies and Tourism and finding innovative solutions to end Marine Pollution.



Day 1

March 02, 2023

Day 2

March 03, 2023

    Side Event – OECD. Latin American Economic Outlook 2022: Towards a green and just transition - Report presentation.

    Panel 3: Climate Change: Coping with the climatic consequences Effect of climate change on the health of the oceans: biodiversity and coastal communities

    Side event, Our Ocean – ReWild Spotlight: Eastern Tropical Pacific – Resiliencia y Sostenibilidad