Capital Flows and External Debt in Latin America

In this webinar Central Bankers from Latin America will look into the vulnerabilities, strengths and challenges that the region faces in the coming years.

Event date:

April 08, 2021

The purpose of this webinar is to share experiences and visions on the recent developments in the region’s capital flows and external debt before and during the current crisis, understanding its effects on the financial vulnerabilities and strengths of the countries in the region. Specifically, the idea is to discuss the following aspects:

  • Covid-19 shock effects on public and private capital flows (short-term and foreign direct investment) and public and private indebtedness in foreign currency, within a context of high international liquidity.
  • Evolution and diagnosis.
  • Capital flows vulnerabilities and strengths, and public and private external indebtedness levels and profiles.
  • Macroeconomic and financial stability’s main future challenges.

When: April 8th, 2021

08:00 a.m. (CDMX); 09:00 a.m. (Bogotá – Lima – New York ET); 10:00 a.m. (Caracas); 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia – Buenos Aires – Santiago); 04:00 p.m. (Barcelona – Paris CET)

Participants: José Darío Uribe, Executive President - FLAR; Pablo Sanguinetti, Vice President of Knowledge - CAF;Mauricio de la Cuba, Head of World Economics - Central Reserve Bank of Peru; Miguel Fuentes Díaz, Manager of International Analysis, Central Bank of Chile; Enrique Montes Uribe, Head of the External Sector Section, Central Bank of Colombia; Gerardo Zúñiga Villaseñor, Director of International Affairs,Central Bank of Mexico; Adriana Arreaza, Director of Macroeconomic Studies, Development Bank of Latin America – CAF; Carlos Giraldo, Chief Economist, Latin American Reserve Fund – FLAR

Registration: Please click here to register