On-Site Event | Cities Summit - Complete Streets: Aligning Infrastructure Investment and Sustainable Development
Within the framework of the Cities Summit of the Americas, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America- and the World Resources Institute invite you to this plenary session that aims to highlight complete streets within sustainable urban development agendas and their capacity to improve safety, equitable access, and urban cooling.
Event date:
April 27, 2023
Cities are increasingly recognizing the detrimental impact of motor vehicle-centric planning and design on air quality, greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), road safety, public health, congestion, and productivity. Now is a critical time for cities to adopt sustainable mobility systems and boost investment in green, multimodal systems, and infrastructure.
A panel of practitioners and city representatives from across the Americas will share their success stories, greatest challenges, and lessons learned. They will discuss ways to promote similar sustainable efforts across cities and help identify investment opportunities that will ensure tangible change and augment impact.
The session aligns with the commitments to lower GHGs, promote sustainable development investment, scale up and enhance finance and investments in climate action, and support implementation of climate change mitigation strategies in all states, particularly in developing countries. The session aims to:
- Highlight Complete Streets as a holistic urban mobility concept that aligns with the different key agendas on climate, mobility, and equity.
- Make the case for Complete Streets as an effective path to align available investment opportunities to sustainable development agendas through shared examples
- Create connections among and between cities and investment banks to create a momentum for collaborations.
- Identify tools, resources, and investment opportunities available for cities.
Date: Thursday, April 27
Time: 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. (MST)
Place: Colorado Convention Center
April 27, 2023
Felipe Ramírez | Global Urban Mobility Director, World Resources Institute
Nuria Fernández | FTA Administrator
Opening Remarks
Bogotá’s Highlights
Claudia López | Mayor of Bogotá
CDMX’s Highlights
Claudia Sheinbaum | Mayor of Mexico City
Quito’s Highlights
René Bedón | Metropolitan councilor of Quito
Brazil’s Highlights
Marcela Laiz | Deputy Director of Regulation, Enforcement and Management from Secretariat of Traffic, Ministry of Transport
Comments CAF
Nicolás Estupiñan | Infraestructure project director, CAF -development bank of Latin America-
Comments WRI
Luis Antonio Lindau | Cities Program Director, WRI Brasil / Expert from WRI Brazil
Final discussion
Felipe Ramírez | Global Urban Mobility Director, World Resources Institute