Digital Rights in Cities Webinar - Lessons for Latin America and the Caribbean
CAF - development bank of Latin America -, UN-Habitat and the Coalition of Cities for Digital Rights (CC4DR) invite you to the webinar “Digital Rights in Cities - Lessons for Latin America and the Caribbean”.
This event will discuss the challenges, opportunities and examples to build smart city strategies and Governance frameworks that are more ethical, people-centered and human rights observers, with a specific focus on the development challenges of Latin America and the Caribbean in this sense.
Event date:
January 21, 2022
The webinar will be in English and Spanish, and will have simultaneous translation.
Date: January 21, 2021
Time: 8:30 am from Colombia; 10:30 am in Argentina / Brazil and 2:30 pm in Spain

Nathalie Gerbasi
CAF Training Director

Christian Asinelli
Corporate Vicepresident of Strategic Programming, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

Milou Jansen
Coordinator, Cities Coalition for Digital Rights

Michael Donaldson Carbón
Chief Technology Officer, City of Barcelona

Pontus Westerberg
Programme Management Office, Innovation, People-centered Smart Cities, Public Participation And Technology Partnerships. UN-habitat

Agustín Suárez
Undersecretary of Smart City in Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Marcello Deoarez Moreira dos Santos
Technology Manager of the Curitiba Development and Innovation Agency
Nathalie Gerbasi

CAF Training Director
Graduated from the University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil, in social communication and later completed postgraduate studies in International Relations, as well as digital transformation. She worked in audiovisual media in Brazil and Colombia and has extensive experience in the field of strategic and corporate communication. She's currently focused on accompanying the countries of Latin America in their digital transformation of the State, promoting knowledge in this field specifically with regard to digital government, smart cities and govtech.
Christian Asinelli

Corporate Vicepresident of Strategic Programming, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-
Christian Asinelli is a political scientist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA), has a Master's degree in Public Administration and Policy from the Universidad de San Andrés (UdeSA) and postgraduate degrees in Urban Economics (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella) and in Sociourbana Management (FLACSO). In 2019, he received his Ph.D in Political Science from the National University of San Martín (Argentina). During the last sixteen years he has been appointed in different roles in the public sector and the international arena: Alternate National Director of the State Modernization Project at the Chief of Staff of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Nation (2005); Deputy of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (2007-2010); Undersecretary of Evaluation of Projects with External Financing of the Chief of Staff of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Nation (2011-2014); Corporate Director of Institutional Development of CAF (2014-2017); President of the Fundación Banco Ciudad (2019) and Undersecretary of International Financial Relations for Development, Secretariat of Strategic Affairs, Presidency of the Nation. He was a Fellow of the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program (2010), the Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies-MIT (2011) and the Singularity University Executive Program (2017). He is the author of the books Buenos Aires: The city we have, the city we want (Buenos Aires, 2009); Modernization of the Argentine State: policies, management and professional scene (Buenos Aires, Edition, 2015) and Financing Development: The role of multilateral banking in Latin America (Buenos Aires, 2021).
Milou Jansen

Coordinator, Cities Coalition for Digital Rights
Her experience, combined with an academic background in the Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society, allows her to broadly reflect on the socio-ethical aspects of emerging technologies, specifically in an urban and governmental context. Currently, this know-how is being put to use in the creation of a new team on Digital Rights within the City of Amsterdam and at the same time she coordinates the Cities Coalition for Digital Rights.
Michael Donaldson Carbón

Chief Technology Officer, City of Barcelona
He has a Law Degree from the UB and a Master's Degree in Public Management from UPF-ESADE-UAB. His professional experience has focused on the Spanish public sector, especially with the City Councils of Barcelona, Gavà and Rubí, and with the Federation of Municipalities of Catalonia. He has participated in various book and article publications on issues of transparency, participation, democratic quality, and immigrant rights.
Pontus Westerberg

Programme Management Office, Innovation, People-centered Smart Cities, Public Participation And Technology Partnerships. UN-habitat
Pontus leads initiatives on digital technologies, people-centered smart cities and open innovation at UN-Habitat. He has advised governments on digital inclusion, civic technologies, smart cities and urban innovation in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. He represents UN-Habitat in the steering group of the Cities for Digital Rights Coalition, the UN Working Group on Artificial Intelligence and is an adviser to the Block by Block Foundation.
Agustín Suárez

Undersecretary of Smart City in Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Degree in Social Communication at the Austral University. He is passionate about what new technologies, innovation and communication generate and move. He has experience in the entrepreneurial world, private and public. Since 2014 he has been part of the team of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires and today, as Undersecretary of Smart City, he leads a multidisciplinary team focused on strengthening communication channels and simplifying interaction between the government and citizens.
Marcello Deoarez Moreira dos Santos

Technology Manager of the Curitiba Development and Innovation Agency
He also serves as Manager of the Curitiba App and Member of the Open Data Technical Committee of Curitiba. Graduated in Information Systems, he participated in the development of several projects for the Agency and the City Council, such as the Curitiba App, Saúde Já, Curitiba Lê Digital, Cadastro Online, Check-in in the Parks, among others. He was responsible for the implementation of teleworking tools at Agencia Curitiba. In 2021, he attended the extension course on Modernization and Digital Transformation in Brazil, created and offered by the Technical University of Denmark for Brazilian public organizations.
links of interest
CC4DR Information:
1. For more information or to join the Coalition:
2. E-Magazine with examples:
3. First concept of the CC4DR Framework on digital rights:
4. ADRI Project:
5. Citizen's Voices Project:
City of Amsterdam:
1. Algorithm Register: & in Helsinki:
+ Implementation guide:
2. AI Procurement Standards:
3. Cyberbank:
Other Cities Example Docs:
1. Digital Equity Plan Portland:
2. Digital Infrastructure Plan Toronto:
3. Emerging Technologies London:
4. Digital Inclusion Toolkit Leeds:
5. Standards for inclusive Services Sao Paulo:
6. Framework for Community Networks:
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