First Paraguayan Congress of Economic Policymakers
Event date:
May 24, 2022

Paraguay has established itself as a fast-growing economy in the region. Between 2003 and 2019, GDP expanded at an average rate of 4.1%, outperforming its peers in Latin America. Macroeconomic stability, economic openness and the potential of some economic sectors, such as energy or agribusiness, have made the country attractive for investment.
The growth of recent years has been accompanied by significant social improvements, such as poverty reduction, from 51.4% in 2003 to 23.5% in 2019, and inequality measured by the Gini index from 0.551 in 2003 to 0.458 in 2019. Even so, the challenges facing the country on its path to development remain significant. For example, PISA measurements indicate that Paraguay lags far behind in terms of the learning students receive, the infrastructure gap remains significant and labor informality exceeds 70%.
The reason for this conference is to deepen the analysis of the opportunities and challenges that are available to Paraguay to promote more dynamic and inclusive growth. To this end, a group of high-level international experts have been invited to participate in various panels in order to provide a broader vision of development and help us to project the policies and reforms necessary to further improve the population’s living conditions.
Tuesday, March 24, 2022
Time: from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm (Paraguay). Sign up here