II Ibero-American Congress for the Prevention of Workplace Risks and Workplace Road Safety
Asuncion will be the meeting place for the II Ibero-American Congress for the Prevention of Workplace Risks and Workplace Road Safety (PRESEVILAB, for its acronym in Spanish), which will be held on June 1st and 2nd to promote workplace road safety
Event date:
June 01, 2016 - June 01, 2016

FESVIAL (Spanish Foundation for Road Safety), FUNDACION MAPFRE, and CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, with the main sponsorship of Isolux Corsán, will hold the II Ibero-American Congress for the Prevention of Workplace Risks and Workplace Road Safety (PRESEVILAB, for its acronym in Spanish), on June 1st and 2nd in Asuncion. This Congress will be promoted by the Agencia Nacional de Tránsito de Seguridad Vial (National Agency for Road Safety) of Paraguay. In addition, PRESEVILAB is supported by the Spanish Government through the Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) (General Direction for Traffic) and the Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (National Institute for Workplace Safety and Hygene) , and the Organización Iberoamericana de Seguridad Social (OISS) (Ibero-American Social Security Organization), among other organizations and institutions.
This Congress will bring together those responsible for workplace safety and health in companies, those responsible for Public Administrations, and experts on the prevention of workplace risks and road safety, to analyze and disseminate the importance of workplace safety and health in companies and among workers and society in general. The ultimate goal of this meeting is for all the actors who are relevant in the area of prevention of workplace risks and road safety to manage effective programs to promote road safety measures in the entrepreneurial environment. Of the 317million workplace accidents worldwide each year, many are traffic accidents. Therefore, it is important to establish specific prevention measures that contribute to reduce these accidents.
The cost of workplace accidents is between 1.2 percent and 2.4 percent of the world's annual GDP. This percentage reaches between 3 and 4 percent of GDP in Ibero-America, a geographic area where it is estimated that close to 300,000 people die each year due to workplace road accidents, so the implementation of prevention measures and policies in this area is essential to reduce the number of accidents, mortality. and injuries, as well as to help the WHO to achieve the objectives of the Decade of Action for Road Safety.
PRESEVILAB 2016 will be held at the Crowne Plaza Asuncion hotel. Registration for the Congress is free, Congress information and registration forms are found at the event's web page.