Conference Infrastructure for the development of Latin America
Authorities of local and national governments, academy members, media, international organizations and the private sector representatives, will meet in Buenos Aires on April 25 and 26, 2018 to address the issue of infrastructure for the development of Latin America.
Event date:
April 25, 2018 - April 25, 2018

More than 50 leaders from the region and the world will discuss infrastructure sector challenges in Latin America and share good practices related to:
- Required infrastructure to boost countrie's development and competitiveness
- Climate change infrastructure resilience
- The private sector and the adapted financing schemes
- Big data for infrastructure planning and management
- Mechanisms to promote regional physical integration
- Efficient management of resources and hiring
Place: Hotel Alvear Icon. Aimé Painé 1130, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Attendance at the event is free, but registration is essential to guarantee the quota.

Germán Lleras
Director for Latin America, Steer Davies Gleave

Jorge Forteza
Specialist in Development Strategies for Territories and Companies and Governance. Member of the National Production Council in Argentina

Young Tae Kim
Secretary-General, International Transport Forum - OECD

Federico Gutiérrez Soria
Deputy Director General of Project Financing, BANOBRAS

Garry Bowditch
Executive Director of the Better Infrastructure Initiative of the John Grill Centre
Estados Unidos

Shomik Mehndiratta
World Bank’s Practice Manager for Transport in Latin America

Brer Adams
Senior Director of Energy and Infrastructure, Global Infrastructure Hub

Germán Arce
Minister of Energy, Colombia

Julián Suárez
Project Director for the South Region, CAF

Marcos Peña
Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, Argentina

Antonio Pinheiro
Corporate Vice President of Infrastructure, CAF

Sarquis José Buainain Sarquis
Vicepresidente de Riesgos de New Development Bank

Jeannette Sánchez
Director, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division, ECLAC

Guillermo Dietrich
Minister of Transport, Argentina

Pablo Bello
Executive Director, Inter-American Association of Telecommunications Companies (ASIET) and former Vice Minister of Telecommunications of Chile

Luis Carranza
Executive President of CAF

Daniel Redondo
Secretary of Energy Planning, Argentina

Raúl Katz
President of Telecom Advisory Services

Diego Cabot
Editor of the Economy section of Argentina’s newspaper LA NACIÓN

Robin Chase
Co-founder of ZipCar

Milton Machado
President of State Sanitation Works Administration (OSE), Uruguay

Rogelio Frigerio
Minister of the Interior, Public Works and Housing of Argentina

Juan José Méndez
Secretary of Transport of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Sheila Watson
Deputy Director of Research, FIA Foundation

Jorge Arbache
Secretary of International Affairs, Ministry of Planning, Development and Management of Brazil

Federico Gutiérrez
Mayor of Medellín, Colombia

Mariano Colmenar
Director General of Business, ICO, Spain

Víctor Rossi
Minister of Transport and Public Works, Uruguay

Federico Tomasevich
President of Puente

Abel Mejía
Specialist in Water Management, Regional Development Planning and Sustainable Development.

Gustavo Beliz
Director of the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL) of the IDB

Tadashi Matsumoto
Leader of Sustainable Urban Development and Green Growth, OECD

Eduardo Engel
Espacio Público Foundation

Andrés Romero
Former Executive Secretary of the National Energy Commission (CNE), Chile

Sandra Conde
Director of Analysis and Sectoral Programming, CAF

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta
Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires

Isaac Martín-Barbero
President, INECO

Lake Sagaris
She is an expert in gender equity, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile

Tomás Serebrisky
Chief Economist for the Infrastructure Division, IDB

Felix peña
Director of the Institute of International Trade of the ICBC Foundation, Argentina Specialist in international economic relations.

Paola Tapia Salas
Former Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Chile

Mauricio Agudelo
Senior Specialist in Telecommunications and ICT of the Vice Presidency of Infrastructure of CAF

Sebastián Cabello
Director for Latin America, GSMA

José Barbero
Transport Planning Specialist

Raúl García
President of consulting firm R. García Consultores SA (RGC)

Darío Hidalgo
Director, Integrated Transport, World Resources Institute (WRI), Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Andrea Folgueiras
CTO of Telefónica for Latin America

José Carrera
Corporate Vice President of Social development of CAF

David Adelman
Vice President, VIA

Pablo Sanguinetti
Corporate Director of Economic Analysis and Knowledge, CAF

Carlos Melo Riquelme
Former Deputy Secretary of Transport, Chile

Alberto Undurraga
Former Minister of Public Works, Chile

Gonzalo Casaravilla
President of the National Administration of Power Plants and Power Transmission (UTE), Uruguay
Germán Lleras

Director for Latin America, Steer Davies Gleave
Germán C. Lleras is the Regional Director of Steer Davies Gleave for Latin America. As part of his experience as a transport engineer and urban planner, he has worked on major projects for the development of transportation infrastructure in Latin America. Noteworthy is his involvement in the planning and implementation of the first phase of the TRANSMILENIO system and the technical structuring of various road projects. He is currently the strategic leader of the company offices in Latin America.
Jorge Forteza

Specialist in Development Strategies for Territories and Companies and Governance. Member of the National Production Council in Argentina
Advisor to shareholders and leaders of multinational companies and large local groups in matters of strategy, competitiveness, governance and value creation processes. He also worked for 22 years at Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., where he led strategic consulting projects for multinational companies, large local groups and governments in Europe, United States and Latin America. He also works as a professional adviser to international bodies on issues of development strategies for territories and companies. He is a professor of Strategy and Competitiveness at Universidad de San Andres, in Argentina, focusing on research and teaching activities on processes of transformation of organizations and the development of competitiveness of companies, regions and countries Master of Science in Management from the Sloan School of Management at MIT, he holds a degree in Political Economy from the University of Buenos Aires and from the Norwegian Management Academy.
Young Tae Kim

Secretary-General, International Transport Forum - OECD
He served as Director-General in South Korea’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) prior to his election as ITF Secretary-General. Holding the position of Deputy Director-General since 2015, he was responsible for coordinating various transport policies involving autonomous vehicles, greenhouse gas reduction, urban transport, intelligent transport systems, and road safety, among others. Between 2010 and 2014, Mr. Kim worked in Washington, D.C., as Counselor for Transport and Maritime Affairs of the Korean Embassy. He earned his Master’s degrees from Seoul National University and Paris University at Vincennes-Saint-Denis, as well as a PhD in Political Sociology and Public Policy from Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences-Po) in Paris, France.
Federico Gutiérrez Soria

Deputy Director General of Project Financing, BANOBRAS
He holds a bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree in Economics from UNAM, and a Diploma in Finance from ITAM. He is currently the Deputy Director General of Project Financing at BANOBRAS He worked for 20 years at Nacional Financiera, where he held several positions, including Director of Credit, Director of Strategic Planning and Director of Corporate Banking. He was a professor of Political Economy at UNAM for 10 years and has published several papers on project evaluation, finance and credit.
Garry Bowditch

Executive Director of the Better Infrastructure Initiative of the John Grill Centre
Estados Unidos
Garry is actively involved in the debate surrounding infrastructure governance and investment in Australia and around the world. He is renowned for challenging and shaping the current and future agenda for cities, regional development, and the role of government and the private sector in infrastructure issues. He is well known for his presentations, speeches and reports on the future of infrastructure, based on his unique commercial and government experience spanning across Australia, Asia and the OECD.
Shomik Mehndiratta

World Bank’s Practice Manager for Transport in Latin America
World Bank Manager for Transport in Latin America and the Caribbean. He has been at the World Bank since 2002, working mainly in East Asia, Latin America and Africa. He has served in the past as the Transport Sector’s technical lead on urban mobility and climate-informed transport. In the period 2007-2010 he lived and worked in China and is the co-editor and author of an edited book on Low Carbon Urban Development in China. In 2015 he briefly worked with Uber as Director of Policy; and prior to the World Bank he worked at CRA International, a business and economics consulting firm, based out of Boston MA. Shomik holds a PhD from the University of California at Berkeley and an executive MBA jointly from INSEAD and Tsinghua University.
Brer Adams

Senior Director of Energy and Infrastructure, Global Infrastructure Hub
Energy and infrastructure specialist with considerable experience in the design and management of investments in the private sector, and in devising government policies. Before joining GI Hub, he acted as an associate director at Macquarie Bank, working in corporate consulting, investments in alternative energy and corporate strategy.
Germán Arce

Minister of Energy, Colombia
Minister of Mines and Energy of Colombia since May 2016. An economist from Universidad del Valle with a Master’s degree in securities, banking and investment from the ISMA Centre of the University of Reading (United Kingdom). Prior to his appointment as Minister of Mines and Energy, he was Manager of the Adaptation Fund, President of the National Hydrocarbons Agency (2013) and Vice Minister of Finance and Public Credit (2011-2013). He also served as Director General of Public Credit and National Treasury at the Ministry of Finance (2010-2011), as Vice President of Global Markets and Treasury of the HSBC Bank and as Director of Global Markets at ABN Amro Bank. In his professional practice, he has worked as an independent consultant, and from 1992 to 2005, as a stock market operator in various brokerage firms. He has served on numerous boards of directors and steering committees in the financial, mining and energy sectors.
Marcos Peña

Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, Argentina
Marcos Peña is the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers of Argentina. He holds a degree in Political Science and Government from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, previously working as a legislator of the City of Buenos Aires (2003-2007) and Secretary General of the City of Buenos Aires (2007-2015).
Antonio Pinheiro

Corporate Vice President of Infrastructure, CAF
Antonio H. Pinheiro Silveira is CAF’s Corporate Vice President of Infrastructure. He has a PhD in Economics from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. He served as Deputy Secretary of the Economic Advisory of the Ministry of Planning, Secretary of Economic Monitoring of the Ministry of Finance, and Minister of the Secretariat of Ports of Brazil. He has been member of boards of directors of public and private companies including Caixa Econômica Federal, Vale S.A. (Board of Auditors) and Banco do Nordeste. He served as Executive Director for Brazil at the World Bank and the IDB.
Sarquis José Buainain Sarquis

Vicepresidente de Riesgos de New Development Bank
He has held various positions in Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Relations since 1991, including Head of International Economic Organizations and Advisor on international finance, investment, trade and development. He served as Minister-Counselor for economic affairs at the OECD at the Embassy in Paris (2009-2014), and more recently, as Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy in Tokyo (2014-2017) He has extensive experience in multilateral organizations, including the OECD, IMF, World Bank, WTO and the United Nations. He has also lectured, researched and participated in major international conferences in the fields of macroeconomics, growth, trade and international finance. He earned a Master’s degree and a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics (LSE) and holds a B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He has received prizes for his research, such as the Gilbert de Botton award in Finance Research.
Jeannette Sánchez

Director, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division, ECLAC
Director of the Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Chile. She holds a PhD in Public Policy and Social Transformations from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. She completed doctoral studies in Development at the Catholic University of Louvain-La-Neuve. Jeannette holds a Master’s degree in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Texas and a Master’s degree in Economics from FLACSO-Ecuador. She is an economist from Universidad Católica de Ecuador. Former Minister of Social and Economic Inclusion, Social Development Coordination, and Economic Policy Coordination of the Government of Ecuador between 2007 and 2013, she is currently part of the regional think-tank on social and ecological transformation promoted by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation - Mexico. Chairperson of the Board of Economic Complementation of ALBA in 2012-2013. Chairperson of the Forum of Ministers of Social Development for Latin America and Caribbean of UNESCO’s Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Program, 2009-2011. Vice-chairperson of the Forum of Ministers of Social Development for Latin America and Caribbean of UNESCO’s Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Program, 2011-2012. Chairperson of the Council of Social Development of the Union of South American Nations, UNASUR, 2009-2010. She has been professor and researcher on issues of development, macroeconomics, productive transformation, social economy, and public policy. Tenured professor of Macroeconomics and Economic Policy of the Central University of Ecuador. She has published several articles in national and international books and journals.
Pablo Bello

Executive Director, Inter-American Association of Telecommunications Companies (ASIET) and former Vice Minister of Telecommunications of Chile
Executive Director of the Inter-American Association of Telecommunications Companies (ASIET) and the Latin American Center of Telecommunications Studies ( Pablo is an expert in public policy for telecommunications and digital development. He is an economist from the University of Chile and holds an MBA from ESADE Business School, and has worked for the Government of Chile from 1997 to 2010. From 2002 to 2006 he served as Head of the Regulatory Policy Division of the Telecommunications Office, and as Deputy Minister of Telecommunications during the Bachelet administration (2006-2010). He was part of the Global Commission on Internet Governance, which issued the “One Internet” report. He is currently a member of the MultiStakeholder Advisory Group of the Internet Governance Forum.
Luis Carranza

Executive President of CAF
President Carranza holds a degree in economics from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, in addition to completing various postgraduate studies including a PhD and a Master’s degree in economics from the University of Minnesota. He served two terms as Minister of Economy and Finance of Peru, worked at the International Monetary Fund, and held the position of Chief Economist for Latin America and Emerging Markets at BBVA in Spain.
Daniel Redondo

Secretary of Energy Planning, Argentina
Chemical engineer from UNS-Universidad Nacional del Sur, with extensive experience in the petroleum industry, thanks to his tenure at Exxon Mobil, in different positions and countries. There he held positions of increasing responsibility, starting in the areas of engineering and operations at the Esso Campana refinery, later in corporate positions in finance, planning, trading, and in recent years in marketing, including in the US-based Sales Department for Latin America until late 2003. He worked as an independent consultant and member of IOC (International Oil Consultants) on issues related to energy planning, economic analysis, organization, etc.
He served as Professor of Economics at ITBA since 2006, at undergraduate and graduate level, where he taught courses on these topics. Since 2015, he serves as Minister of Energy Planning at Argentina’s Ministry of Energy and Mining.
Raúl Katz

President of Telecom Advisory Services
He is an associate professor at Columbia Business School, a visiting professor at Universidad de San Andrés (Argentina), and Director of Strategy Studies at the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information. Lead partner of the telecommunications practice in the Americas, Director of North America Operations and lead partner at BOOZ Allen Hamilton. He has published the following books: The Information Society: An International Perspective (1988), Creative Destruction: Business Survival Strategies in the Global Internet Economy (2000), El papel de las TIC en el desarrollo: una perspectiva de América Latina (2011), and Driving demand for broadband networks and services (2014). He holds a PhD in Political Science and Business Administration, and a Master’s degree in Policy and Communications Technology from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). He also holds a bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree, with honors, in Communication Science from the University of Paris, as well as a B.A. in History and Master’s in Political Science from the University of Paris-Sorbonne.
Diego Cabot

Editor of the Economy section of Argentina’s newspaper LA NACIÓN
Editor of the Economy section of La Nación, specializing in infrastructure, public services and economic regulation. Lawyer (UBA), with a degree in Public Opinion and Media (Flacso), a Master’s degree in journalism from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and PDD (Management Development Program) of the IAE. He wrote three books on Argentina’s current affairs.
Robin Chase

Co-founder of ZipCar
Global leader in collaborative economies and activist for collaborative mobility and climate change. Founder of the first and most successful carsharing company in the world, ZipCar. Her most recent venture – Veniam – an internet of moving things, creates communication channels connecting users and vehicles via Wi-Fi and is currently being applied in Porto, Portugal. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the World Resources Institute – WRI. Chase has won several awards and accolades, such as being listed in Time’s top 100 most influential people (2009), BusinessWeek Top 10 Designers (2007), Women Entrepreneur of the Year (2001), and as a Harvard Loeb Fellow.
Milton Machado

President of State Sanitation Works Administration (OSE), Uruguay
Structural Civil Engineer from Universidad de la República (Uruguay). He began his professional career as director of public infrastructure works in major construction companies such as CEI SRL, ESPINA and CITESA. Between 2007 and 2009 he served as technical manager of the Irregular Settlements Integration Program (PIAI - Ministry of Housing, Territorial Planning and Environment). In 2009 and 2010, he served as Director of Roads of the Urban Development Department of the Montevideo Municipality. Between 2010 and 2011, he acted as General Manager of the Canario Consortium (privately-owned, public-service entity established by the OSE and the Municipality of Canelones), where he led the comprehensive project for sanitation, storm drainage and road infrastructure in Ciudad de la Costa, Uruguay. Since May 2011 he serves as President of the State Sanitation Works Administration (OSE).
Rogelio Frigerio

Minister of the Interior, Public Works and Housing of Argentina
He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires, specializing in Planning and Economic Development. In the private sector, he founded and directed until 2011 the Economía & Regiones consultancy firm. He also served as President of FEDERAR (Foundation for Economic and Regional Development Studies in Argentina), as consultant for the United Nations, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Counselor of the OKITA Foundation and co-founder and president of Argentina’s Evaluation Association. In the public sector, he served as Secretary of Economic Programming at the Ministry of Economy, Argentina’s representative to the Central American Bank for Economic Integration, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. He was also Argentina’s representative to the High Level Group of Macroeconomic Policy Coordination of MERCOSUR. In 2011 he was elected Deputy for the city of Buenos Aires by the PRO political party. In late 2013 he was appointed President of Banco Ciudad, a position he held until he was sworn in as Minister of the Interior, Public Works and Housing, in December 2015.
Juan José Méndez

Secretary of Transport of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics (UCA). He served in the Ministry of Transport, first as Adviser of Communication and Public Affairs, then as Chief of Cabinet, and now as Minister of Transport of the city of Buenos Aires.
Sheila Watson

Deputy Director of Research, FIA Foundation
Deputy Director & Director of Environment and Research at the FIA Foundation, a UK-based Charity which is committed to promoting safe sustainable mobility across the world ( She is also Executive Secretary to the Global Fuel Economy Initiative, which seeks to support the development of fuel economy policies across the world, an the Real Urban Emissions Initiative (TRUE), which exposes real-world emissions from vehicles in our roads. An economist, with many years experience as Senior Special Adviser to the UK Labour government, her previous positions include Deputy Director of the Centre for Local Economic Strategies, and Policy Researcher at the Institute for Fiscal Studies. Sheila has an Honours Degree from the University of Oxford, and an MSc in Economics from Birkbeck College, London.
Jorge Arbache

Secretary of International Affairs, Ministry of Planning, Development and Management of Brazil
Secretary of International Affairs of Brazil’s Ministry of Planning, Professor of Economics at the University of Brasilia, Executive Secretary of the Brazil-China Investment Fund and the External Financing Commission of the Federal Government (COFIEX), member of the Board of Directors of the National Economic Development Bank (BNDES) and Logigás, columnist for the business section of Valor Econômico, author and blogger.
His previous assignments include Head Economist of Brazil’s Ministry of Planning, Senior Economy Adviser of the Board of BNDES and Senior Economist of the World Bank in Washington, D.C.
His interests include especially economic growth, trade, investment, productivity, innovation, technology, competitiveness, service and digital economy.
Federico Gutiérrez

Mayor of Medellín, Colombia
Civil engineer from the University of Medellín and specialist in senior management and political science at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. First Mayor of Medellín ever elected by a civil movement instead of through a traditional political party. Councilor of Medellin in 2004-2007 and chairman of the first committee. Re-elected for the 2008-2011 term, serving as Chairman of the Council. In 2009 he was named Outstanding Young Person of the Year in the political, legal and governmental affairs category, an accolade awarded by the Junior Chamber of Colombia. Gutierrez did not hold any public office between 2011 and 2014, during which he served as a consultant in Comprehensive Urban Security for the city of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and the municipality of Celaya (Mexico).
Mariano Colmenar

Director General of Business, ICO, Spain
He holds a Business Administration degree from the University of Alcalá de Henares and an MBA from the University of San Francisco McLaren School of Management. He is a specialist in financial markets, an advisor to institutional investors and corporate and on institutional financing. He has made a professional career in the financial sector, in high-profile institutions such as BNPP, Barclays, Credit Suisse and Banco Santander, where acted as Global Head of Research and member of the Global Markets Executive Committee. As Director General of Business at ICO, he is responsible for creating and managing investments and loans with corporate clients and SMEs, through direct national and international financing lines and mediation of lines, respectively, and managing State Funds and lending activity arising from economic policy decisions. He is also Vice President of Axis, a Venture Capital managing company fully owned by ICO, and a member of the investment committee of the funds managed by this entity.
Víctor Rossi

Minister of Transport and Public Works, Uruguay
Uruguayan politician. He served as Minister of Transport and Public Works from 2005 to 2010. In 2014 he was appointed again Minister of Transport and Public Works, and took up the office in 2015. Since 1982 he has been an architecture student, a bank official and transport worker.
Federico Tomasevich

President of Puente
Main shareholder and President of PUENTE, the leading entity in financial services in the Southern Cone. Founded in 1915, the company offers a wide range of products and services to more than 35,000 local and international clients - including corporations, institutional investors, governments, and individuals - from its offices in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and London. He has participated in the CEO Program of the IAE Business School - Universidad Austral and the Wharton Business School Global CEO Program.
Abel Mejía

Specialist in Water Management, Regional Development Planning and Sustainable Development.
Since 2010 he has served as a consultant to international agencies, governments and NGOs in water management strategies, policy analysis and project implementation in Latin America, the Middle East and Asia. For over 15 years, he has worked at the World Bank in areas related to water, sanitation and environment projects (1991-2009). He is a civil engineer from Universidad Católica de Venezuela (1971), holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Civil Engineering Management from Stanford University (1976-1977). He holds specializations from Harvard University (2000) and the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom (2007).
Gustavo Beliz

Director of the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL) of the IDB
Director of the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL) of the IDB. In Argentina, he served as Minister of the Interior and Minister of Justice, Security and Human Rights, President of the National Public Administration Institute, Secretary of Civil Service and Deputy for the city of Buenos Aires. He is a lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires and earned a scholarship to study at the London School of Economics.
Tadashi Matsumoto

Leader of Sustainable Urban Development and Green Growth, OECD
Matsumoto spearheads OECD efforts on national urban policies, cities and climate change and urban green growth. He coordinates the National Urban Policy Program – a joint initiative with UN-Habitat and Cities Alliance launched in 2016 at Habitat III Conference. He recently led the study: OECD Urban Policy Review of Viet Nam (2018) – OECD’s first comprehensive urban policy review in Southeast Asia.
Matsumoto has been ahead of many research projects on cities and climate change and urban green growth, including the Urban Green Growth in Dynamic Asia (2016) and its five case studies in Bangkok (Thailand), Iskandar (Malaysia), Hai Phong (Viet Nam), Bandung (Indonesia), and Cebu (Philippines), assessing effective policy and governance frameworks in rapidly urbanizing cities.
He also led the study titled OECD Compact City Policies: A Comparative Assessment (2012) and contributed to Cities and Climate Change (2010) and Territorial Review of Japan (2016) projects.
Before joining the OECD in 2009, Matsumoto worked for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan for more than 10 years. He holds an MUP (Master of Urban Planning) degree from New York University and a PhD from Tokyo University (Engineering). He lectures at Tsukuba University, in Japan, and SciencesPo, in France.
Eduardo Engel

Espacio Público Foundation
Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Chile and member of the Board of the Espacio Público Foundation. He has published various papers in the areas of macroeconomics, public finance, and regulation. He received the Frisch Medal of the Econometric Society in 2002. He is the co-author of the book “The Economics of Public-Private Partnerships: A Basic Guide.” In 2015 he chaired the Presidential Advisory Council against Conflicts of Interest, Influence Peddling and Corruption. He is a contributor in a bi-weekly column for the newspaper La Tercera. He holds a PhD in Economics from MIT, a PhD in Statistics from Stanford University and is a civil engineer from the University of Chile.
Andrés Romero

Former Executive Secretary of the National Energy Commission (CNE), Chile
Lawyer from the University of Chile, holds a Master’s degree in Governance and Public Management from Instituto Ortega y Gasset, Spain. He has held various positions in the government and private sector since 2001. He has specialized in public policy, institutional reform and organizational management, particularly in the energy sector. Between March 11, 2014 and March 11, 2018, he served as Executive Secretary of the National Energy Commission of the Government of Chile, the agency responsible for regulating the energy sector in the nation.
Sandra Conde

Director of Analysis and Sectoral Programming, CAF
Horacio Rodríguez Larreta

Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires
Horacio Rodríguez Larreta effectively began his career in politics in 2002, along with Mauricio Macri, with whom he founded the Compromiso para el Cambio party in 2003, which was later renamed Propuesta Republicana (PRO) in 2005. During Mauricio Macri’s two terms as city mayor, Horacio served as Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in charge of coordinating teams with a special focus on rapprochement with city residents, management efficiency, and public works to improve the quality of life of Buenos Aires residents. He earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Buenos Aires in 1988, and holds a Master’s in Business Administration from Harvard University.
Isaac Martín-Barbero

President, INECO
President and Managing Director of INECO and has been a trade specialist and economist for the State since 1999. He has also served as Director General of Internationalization for ICEX. He also served at this company as Director General of General Management Services and Director of the Services Division. Prior to this position, he was an economic and trade advisor at the economic and trade offices of the Spanish Embassy in Ankara (Turkey), Ho Chi Minh City (Viet Nam) and Riyadh (Saudi Arabia). He has lectured as a visiting professor in Economic Intelligence (has published several articles and held lectures on this subject since 2004) in the MBA program of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (AUS) and has participated in activities of multilateral institutions and think-tanks such as the World Bank and Oxford Analytica. He is a state licensed economist and trade expert, and holds a law degree from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Lake Sagaris

She is an expert in gender equity, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile
Lake Sagaris is an internationally recognized expert on civil society and gender issues, and inclusive urban plans for bicycles. An award-winning author and editor, she began her work in Chile in 1980 as a freelance journalist for the London Times, Toronto Globe and Mail, Miami Herald and other media outlets. In her current work she uses participatory action research methods, as well as partnerships between the community and the government in Santiago and Temuco (Chile) to implement an intermodal approach for a transition to a more sustainable transport system. She holds a Master’s degree in Science (University of Toronto, 2006) and a PhD in Urban Planning and Community Development (University of Toronto, 2012). She has participated in meetings of the UN Expert Group On Sustainable Transport and as a conference presenter in Latin America, Europe, Canada, Taiwan, India and United States.
Tomás Serebrisky

Chief Economist for the Infrastructure Division, IDB
Chief Economic Advisor of the Infrastructure and Energy Department at the IDB. He previously worked for ten years at the World Bank, where he led the preparation and supervision of investment projects in different infrastructure sectors. He worked in Argentina as Chief Economist in the Commission for the Defense of Competition and as a professor at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. His areas of expertise include economics of investments in infrastructure, logistics, public-private partnerships, subsidy policy, economic regulation and defense of competition. Mr. Serebrisky has numerous publications in academic journals and is author of the books “Ahorrar para Desarrollarse: cómo América Latina y el Caribe Pueden Ahorrar Más y Mejor” and “Airport Economics in Latin America: Benchmarking, Regulation and Pricing.” He holds a degree from Universidad de San Andrés (Argentina) and a PhD in Economics from the University of Chicago.
Felix peña

Director of the Institute of International Trade of the ICBC Foundation, Argentina Specialist in international economic relations.
He has held positions at INTAL, the IDB, Argentina’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and also served as Undersecretary of Foreign Trade. He currently serves as Director of the Institute of International Trade of the ICBC Foundation; Director of the Master’s degree in International Trade Relations of Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF); Member of the Executive Committee of the Argentinian Council for International Relations (CARI); Member of the Brains Trust of the Evian Group.
Paola Tapia Salas

Former Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Chile
Lawyer, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Master of Law. Diploma in Public Policy; in Public Management, and in Administrative Law. Former Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, the first woman to hold this office in the history of Chile. Her main achievements include: the incorporation of new transport technology, the bidding for fiber optic to install digital infrastructure in Chile; a record low of 10.9 % in fare evasion. She approved the first gender equity and transport policy, as well as a new road safety policy, with emphasis on the most vulnerable users. During her term in office, public transport infrastructure increased by 23%, and investment in rural transport by 67%, she implemented school transport free of charge, among others. She adopted rules to enhance public transport and started the process of regulation of mobile applications that interfered with transport services. She served as Vice President of the Board of the central railway system and counselor of the state-owned company system, responsible for evaluating the development and investment in infrastructure of the Metro company, port companies and the state-owned railway company. She is currently a consultant to the CorreaGubbins law firm and a teacher of the University of Talca.
Mauricio Agudelo

Senior Specialist in Telecommunications and ICT of the Vice Presidency of Infrastructure of CAF
Advisor to the President of Colombia on competitiveness and innovation policies, Director of the Compartel program on universal access. MBA in Telecommunications from the University of Strathclyde in the United Kingdom, where he graduated with honors for his academic merits
Sebastián Cabello

Director for Latin America, GSMA
Director-General of the regional office of GSMA Latin America, responsible for representing and leading GSMA activities in the region. Sebastián has been working at the GSMA since 2006, based in Latin America, on issues of mobile broadband and spectrum in developing countries. He is often consulted by government agencies and mobile operators on telecommunication public policies and is currently a member of Colombia’s National Spectrum Committee. Before joining the GSMA, Cabello worked as a consultant in public and private international organizations, including TechPolis, Argentina’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Organization of American States. He holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina). In 2003, he was honored with a Fulbright scholarship.
José Barbero

Transport Planning Specialist
Graduate degrees in economics and transport planning from the University of Toronto and MIT. He is the Dean of the Transport Institute of Universidad Nacional de San Martín.
Raúl García

President of consulting firm R. García Consultores SA (RGC)
He is the President of consulting firm R. García Consultores SA (RGC), based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, specialized in the areas of energy and regulation, both for the domestic and the international market. He has actively participated in energy restructuring processes and in the development of regional gas projects in mature markets and greenfield gas projects in Latin America, Africa and Asia. He served as Undersecretary of Fuels (1991-1993) and President of ENARGAS, the national gas regulating entity in Argentina (1993-98).
Darío Hidalgo

Director, Integrated Transport, World Resources Institute (WRI), Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
He leads the integrated transport practice at the WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, with activities in Latin America, Asia and Africa. He has 28 years experience in sustainable mobility, especially in urban areas. He holds a PhD and a Master’s degree from Ohio State University and a degree in Civil Engineering from Universidad de los Andes, where he also works as a professor in the Road Safety and Public Transport chair.
Andrea Folgueiras

CTO of Telefónica for Latin America
José Carrera

Corporate Vice President of Social development of CAF
He is charge of strategy design, policy implementation and execution of financing operations for the social area including urban development management and improvement of neighborhoods, water, education, and gender inclusion and equality.
David Adelman

Vice President, VIA
David Adelman is Vice President of Business Development at VIA, where he leads global “on demand” transport agreements. He founded and led technology companies such as ReelGeenie and Reel Tributes. He holds an MBA from Wharton School, where he specialized in Business Management. Prior to Wharton, David was a partner of Charlesbank Capital Partners, a Boston private equity firm. He also worked for the Bain & Company management consulting firm, advising clients in Los Angeles, India and Australia. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Government, Cum Laude, from Harvard University.
Pablo Sanguinetti

Corporate Director of Economic Analysis and Knowledge, CAF
Corporate Director of Economic Analysis and Knowledge for Development, CAF - development bank of Latin America - and Professor of Economics at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires. Sanguinetti was advisor to the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean from 1996 to 2000.
Carlos Melo Riquelme

Former Deputy Secretary of Transport, Chile
Industrial Civil Engineer in Transport from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He has experience in leadership positions in the public sector in the development of public transport policies. He has also served as a consultant in these areas and as a scholar. In 2014 he joined the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications as Planning and Development Coordinator, where he led and coordinated a program for analyzing investment initiatives in transport and the development of their supporting technical studies. In 2015 he served as Technical Secretary of Strategy and Planning of the Santiago Metropolitan Public Transportation Board. In November 2016 he was appointed Undersecretary of Transport, serving until March 11, 2018. He performed various tasks to promote the development of efficient, safe and sustainable transportation systems to improve the quality of life of citizens, promoting territorial integration and economic development of the nation. He has recently resumed his work as a scholar and an independent consultant on transport and infrastructure development issues.
Alberto Undurraga

Former Minister of Public Works, Chile
Commercial engineer from Universidad Católica de Chile, Master in Applied Economics from the University of Michigan. Various public posts: Director of the National Consumer Service (2000-04), member of the Antitrust Committee (2000-04), Mayor of Maipú (2004-12) and Minister of Public Works (2014-18) He has also worked as university professor and worked in microcredits as Manager of Bandesarrollo Microempresas
Gonzalo Casaravilla

President of the National Administration of Power Plants and Power Transmission (UTE), Uruguay
He was born in Montevideo in 1963. In 1990 he graduated as an electrical engineer from Universidad de la República, and earned a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering in 2000 and a PhD in Electrical Engineering in 2003. He has been teaching since 1986 at the Electrical Engineering Institute of Universidad de la República, and currently holds the title of Associate Professor. From 2004 to 2007 he was Head of the Power Department of the Electrical Engineering Institute and served as Director of the Institute from 2007 to 2010. Since 2006 he has been a member of the Council of the Faculty of Engineering. From 1988 to 2001 he worked in manufacturing power electronic converters and industrial automation. Until 2011 he was a Level I researcher of the National Researchers System. Since May 2010 he has been serving as President of the National Administration of Power Plants and Power Transmission (UTE).