International Meeting on Irrigation and Use of Water for Production Purposes
The objective of the meeting is to promote ideas regarding the efficient and sustainable use of water with productive purposes, in order to contribute to the economic development of Latin America. The meeting seeks to state the challenge and enable the necessary debate for the implementation of actions aimed at improving the quality of public policies and of projects to develop irrigation systems in the region
Event date:
November 12, 2015 - November 12, 2015

The meeting, organized by CAF, the Unidad para el Cambio Rural (UCAR) (Unit for Rural Change) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fishing, of Argentina, and the Departamento General de Irrigación de Mendoza (General Irrigation Department of Mendoza) is aimed at authorities, officials, and specialist technicians of national, provincial, and local public administrations of Latin America, who are responsible for managing the water resources with productive purposes. It also seeks to be useful for research institutions and, in general, for associations and organizations linked to irrigation both in the public and private sectors.
To participate, it is necessary to register by using the on-line form. Participation is free, but the space is limited.