ONLINE | 9th Spain - LAC Water Dialogues

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The Water Dialogues are thematic discussion spaces organized annually with the objective of promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences between Latin America and Spain on issues of interest to the water sector.


Event date:

November 28, 2023


Based on the definition of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals targets, significant progress has been made to improve water security by increasing coverage of safe access to drinking water and sanitation, improving efficiency and increasing productive irrigation and family farming, as well as improving storm drainage and coastal protection infrastructure. Despite these efforts, the gaps still persist.

A recent CAF study conducted in thirteen countries concluded that it is necessary to invest an average of USD 36 billion per year until 2030 to meet the infrastructure needs for water security. This implies significant challenges in sectoral financing, in an environment of greater fiscal pressure in the countries derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, which calls for economic recovery and reactivation, as well as more inclusive growth and greater climate resilience.

In this context, countries must increase investments and improve efficiency in public spending, in which water plays a key role in achieving the SDGs. This requires innovative public and private financing mechanisms with high added value, incorporating new technologies and digitization of processes and "greener" solutions. Likewise, it is necessary to establish medium and long-term planning that outlines a prioritized roadmap for investments, under specific criteria governed by the inclusion and provision of infrastructure prepared to counteract the effects of climate change.

The 9th edition of the Water Dialogues aims to establish a dialogue around the challenges in financing the investments needed to meet the targets set out in SDG 6 and the SDGs related to water.


Date: November 28, 2023

Time: 3:30 p.m. (Madrid time)

*The event will be streamed on this microsite.



October 28, 2022

    13:30 - 14:00


    14:00 - 14:20

    Opening Remarks

    Hugo Morán | Secretary of State for the Environment, Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Spain

    Christian Asinelli | Corporate Vicepresident of Strategic Programming, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

    Gonzalo García Andrés | Secretary of State for the Economy and Business Support of Spain

    14:20 - 14:35

    Gaps and investments in water and climate resilience in LAC to 2030 and 2040

    Ángel Cárdenas | General manager of urban development, water and creative economies, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

    14:35 - 15:45


    14:35 - 14:45

    Challenges and Financing of Hydrological Plans (3rd cycle) for Water Security

    Teodoro Estrela Monreal | Director General for Water, Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge

    14:45 - 15:45

    High level panel

    Ana Carolina Argolo Nascimento | Director of the National Water and Sanitation Agency, Brasil

    Ruben Aleman | Presidente Administración Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (ANDA), El Salvador

    Maria Fernanda Espinosa | Expert of the Global Commission on the Water Economy

    Moderator: Franz Rojas-Ortuste, Director of Water and Sanitation Analysis, CAF

    15:45 - 16:00


    16:00 - 17:00


    16:00 - 17:00

    High level panel

    Santia Bradshaw | Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, Works and Water Resources, Barbados

    Pablo Bereciartua | President, Global Water Partnership, GWP

    Silvia Saravia | Expert on Economic Issues for Water Resources, ECLAC

    Moderator: Concepción Marcuello, Coordinator of International Water Affairs - Support Unit, MITERD

    17:00 - 17:10


    Ignacio Corlazzoli Hughes | Manager in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America
