CAF Conference Latin America and the Caribbean: a region of solutions
The CAF Conference Latin America and the Caribbean: A Region of Global Solutions is an international gathering driven by CAF - Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean - that aims to create a space for dialogue and exchange of ideas to shape the future of the region.
Event date:
February 01, 2024
Despite experiencing solid economic growth in the first decade of the 21st century, Latin America and the Caribbean face persistent challenges: a productivity gap compared to more developed economies, disproportionate vulnerability to climate change, and the provision of basic services to improve the quality of life for the entire population.
Despite the diversity of strategies and economic policies implemented in the region, the results are far from enabling us to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. In this context, our region requires a fresh perspective and innovative solutions to achieve a better quality of life for everyone.
The thematic and sectoral focuses of the conference reflect the crucial challenges facing the region. From economic conditions to digital transformation, including the regional integration of the Caribbean, the green agenda, and climate change, this conference will address fundamental issues for the sustainable and inclusive development of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Furthermore, the event aims to identify challenges and propose regional solutions to pressing global issues, relying on allies from the public and private sectors as well as civil society. Thus, the conference seeks to become a reference platform for debate and the generation of effective solutions in the region.
Date: February 1, 2024
Time: 8:00 a.m.
*The event will be streamed on this same microsite.
Conference "A Region of Global Solutions"
February 01, 2024
Caroline Schmitt | Journalist
Welcoming remarks
Sergio Díaz-Granados | Executive President, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-
Janaina Tewaney Mencomo | Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama
Remarks by Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
Keynote address "Poverty Reduction and the Economics of Economic Development"
Esther Duflo | 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics
Introduction by Ernesto Schargrodsky, Director of Socioeconomic Research, CAF -development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-
Presentation "Reflections on the development agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean"
Carlos Felipe Jaramillo | Vice President for the Latin American and the Caribbean Region, World Bank
Panel discussion "Latin America and the Caribbean in the global environment"
Stephanie Valencia | President and Co-Founder Equis Institute
Alejandro Werner | Director of the Institute of the Americas, Georgetown
Michelle Muschett | Assistant Secretary General, Deputy Administrator and Director of the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, UNDP
Oscar Gamboa | Former Minister Counselor of the Colombian Embassy in the U.S.A.
Moderator: Lorena Arroyo Valles, Director of América Futura of El País
Discussion Panel "A look at our economies in 2024"
Marcela Meléndez | Deputy Chief Economist for Latin America and the Caribbean (World Bank)
Adriana Arreaza | Head of the Knowledge Department, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-
Simón Cueva Armijos | Former Minister of Economy and Finance, Ecuador
Moderator: Yandira Nuñez, Deputy Editorial Director of Forbes
Conference "Biodiversity as a source of innovation and productive development in Latin America and the Caribbean"
Amir Lebdioui | Professor of Economics, University of Oxford
Introduction by Alicia Montalvo, Manager of Climate Action and Positive Biodiversity of CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-
Talk "The great conservation challenges"
Aurelio Ramos | Audubon Americas
Marcela Fernández | Founder Cumbres Blancas
Moderator: Alicia Montalvo, Manager of Climate Action and Positive Biodiversity, CAF -development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-
Talk "The challenges of the gender agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean"
Julieta Martínez | Activist and founder of the Tremendas Platform, Chile.
Andrea de la Piedra | CEO Aequales Latinamerica
Luz Haro | Executive Secretary of the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Rural Women - REDLAC
Moderator: Ana Baiardi, Manager of Gender, Inclusion and Diversity of CAF -development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-
Talk "Bringing the Caribbean and Latin America closer together"
Hilary Beckles | Vice Chancellor, The University of the West Indies
Introduces Stacy Richards-Kennedy, Regional Manager for the Caribbean CAF -development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-
Conference "Panama as a tourist destination"
Denise Guillén Zúñiga | Minister of Tourism of Panama
Moderator: Oscar Rueda, Director of Sustainable Tourism CAF
Panel discussion Private sector: an ally for the sustainable development of Latin America and the Caribbean"
Sergio Londoño | Senior Vice President of Public Affairs, Communication and Sustainability for Coca-Cola Latin America
Gonzalo Uriarte | President AB Chile
Gabriela Bertol | Sustainability Manager Santander (Brazil)
Moderator: Samya Paiva, CAF Risk Manager
Discussion Panel "Visions of AI in Latin America and the Caribbean"
Alejandra Lagunes | Senator Mexico
Alberto “Tito” Arciniega | President for Microsoft Latin America
Moderator: Manuel Fernandez, El Mercurio Journalist
Presentation on Integration Routes
Pedro Silva Barros | Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA)
Vanessa Carvalho dos Santos | Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Development of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Moderator: Tony Silveira, Manager of Physical Infrastructure and Digital Transformation of CAF -development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-
Panel discussion "The role of public companies in sustainable development"
Ilya Espino de Marotta | Panama Canal Deputy Administrator
Julio Castiglioni | President Metro de Sao Paulo
Josefina Montenegro | Director of the Chilean National Copper Corporation (CODELCO)
Moderator: Ángel Cárdenas, Manager of Urban Development, Water and Creative Economies, CAF
Talk "Energy, an engine for the region's development?"
Andrés Rebolledo Smitmans | Secretary General, OLADE
Devon Gardner | Head of Technical Programs, CCREEE
Moderator: Fernando Cubillos, CAF New Business Manager.
Talk "Infrastructure for the Future"
Bosco Marti | Executive Director of Communication and Institutional Relations at Aleatica
Juan Andrés Fonataine | Economist, former Minister of Economy and former Minister of Public Works of Chile
Mark Lópes | President Partnership for Central America
Moderator: Claudia Flores, Portfolio Management Manager, CAF
Elections 2024 in the United States and their impact on Latin America and the Caribbean
Dan Restrepo | Partner, Dinámica Américas