Launch of the CAF Strategy for Gender Equality 2022–2026

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CAF—development bank of Latin America—is pleased to invite all interested parties to the launch of the CAF Strategy for Gender Equality 2022–2026, which sets out the axes of institutional action to support shareholder countries in achieving gender equality and women empowerment. It will also be a space for reflection on the challenges of the region for equality from the women leadership perspective.

Event date:

March 08, 2022

The gender perspective is essential to promoting sustainable development and regional integration, especially when it comes to understanding how opportunities, benefits and impacts of CAF’s interventions are distributed among people.


Date: Tuesday, March 8th, 2022

Time: 6:00 a.m. (Colombia) / 7:00 a.m. (Venezuela) / 8:00 a.m. (Paraguay)

This event will be broadcasted on this website



Día 1

March 08, 2022

    Part 1: Launch of the CAF Strategy for Gender Equality

    Introductory remarks

    Sergio Díaz-Granados | Executive President, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

    Azucena Arbeleche | Minister of Economy and Finance of Uruguay

    Euclides Acevedo | Minister of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay

    Anita Bhatia | Assistant secretary-general and UN Women’s deputy executive director

    Celina Esther Lezcano | Minister of Women of Paraguay

    Sima Sami Bahous | Executive Director UN Women

    Presentation of the CAF Strategy for Gender Equality

    Ana María Baiardi | Manager for Gender, Inclusion and Diversity, CAF-Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

    Final thoughts

    Christian Asinelli | Corporate Vicepresident of Strategic Programming, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-


    Part 2: Conversation: Women's leadership in the face of challenges for equality in Latin America and the Caribbean

    Panel I: Challenges to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women in Latin America and the Caribbean.

    Luciana Fainstain Patiño | Gender specialist of the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Management, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-

    Edgar Lara | Gender specialist of the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Management, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-

    Veronica Serafini | Coordinator and principal investigator, CADEP and Latindadd

    Lucila Berniell | Principal Economist, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-

    The main goal of this panel is to expose the challenges facing the region to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women, as well as the public policy recommendations necessary to be implemented.

    Moderator: Adriana Arreaza, Knowledge Manager, CAF

    Panel II: Women in Leadership: Persistent Challenges and New Opportunities

    Gloria Roely Reyes Gómez | General Director, Supérate Program of the Presidency of the Dominican Republic

    Neyla Yadira Amú Venté | Mayor of Timbiquí, Colombia

    Arabela Carreras | Governor of Rio Negro, Argentina

    Malena Galmarini | President of AYSA, Argentina

    Claudia Palacios | Journalist and columnist for El Tiempo, Colombia

    Lorena Soto | Director of the entrepreneurial education area of ​​the Fundación Paraguaya

    The goal of this panel is to reflect on the challenges faced by women in the exercise of leadership and in participation in decision-making spaces, as well as the role they assume in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals.

    Moderator: Barbara Auricchio, Gender Specialist of the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Management, CAF

    Final remarks

    Ana María Baiardi | Manager for Gender, Inclusion and Diversity, CAF-Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-