Powershoring and the green neoindustrialization of Brazil - Perspectives, Potential, Public and Private Policies

The Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC), the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), Banco Do Norteste (BNB), the National Confederation of the Industry (CNI) and the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF) will carry out, on August 15, 2023, the conference: "Powershoring and the green neoindustrialization of Brazil -  Perspectives, Potential, Public and Private Policies". The event aims to discuss powershoring and green neoindustrialization, experiences and international cooperation, public policies and the vision of the private sector on bottlenecks.

Event date:

August 15, 2023


Powershoring is a strategic concept for locating industrial plants, which combines elements of resilience with the modern efficiency agenda. Powershoring is especially relevant for energy-intensive plants that are under pressure from cost and environmental compliance, compromising their competitiveness and even their viability.

In this way, powershoring could be the spearhead of neoindustrialization, which could have synergistic and complementary axes, such as: the attraction of industrial plants by powershoring; attract new investment in renewable energy and green hydrogen; the formation of a global hub for the production of equipment, services and maintenance of renewable energy and green hydrogen; and the attraction of investments aimed at the biofuels and new technologies agenda.

In the neoindustrialization process, clean energy, green investments, comparative advantages, environmental compliance, foreign capital, exports, technology and innovation play a decisive role, while respecting and protecting the environment is combined with the development agenda.

For this reason, the conference organizers seek to spread the concepts of powerhoring and discuss priorities, encouraging the government and the private sector to work together to build an executive agenda that allows Brazil to benefit from this process, with the potential to be a powerful source of transformation in the economy.

Date: August 15th, 2023


05:30 a.m. Costa Rica / Honduras / Ecuador / El Salvador / Mexico
06:30 a.m. Colombia / Panama / Peru
07:30 a.m. Bolivia / Chile / Venezuela / Paraguay
08:30 a.m. Argentina / Brazil / Uruguay

The event will be broadcasted on this microsite.

Hosted by


Brazil Time

08:30 - 09:00 | Opening remarks

  • Geraldo Alckmin, Minister of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC)
  • Jorge Arbache, Vice President of the Private Sector of the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF)
  • Robson Andrade, President of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI)
  • Paulo Câmara, President of Banco do Nordeste (BNB)*
  • Nelson Barbosa, Director of Planning and Structuring of Projects at the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES)


09:00 - 09:50 | Panel 1 - How can powerhoring and green neo-industrialization promote sustainable and sustained economic growth in Brazil?

Moderator: Uallace Moreira Lima, MDIC Secretary for Industrial Development, Innovation, Commerce and Services


  • José Luis Gordon, Director of Productive Development, Innovation and Foreign Trade at BNDES
  • Jorge Arbache, Vice President of the Private Sector of the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF)
  • Luiz Esteves, Chief Economist at BNB
  • Rodrigo Rollemberg, MDIC Secretary for Green Economy, Decarbonization and Bioindustry
  • Rafael Lucchesi, Director of Education and Technology/Superintendent Director of SESI/Director General of SENAI


10:00 - 10:50 | Panel 2 - What are the necessary sectoral and political actions to make viable and strengthen powerhoring and green neo-industrialization?

Moderator: Luciana Costa, Director of Infrastructure, Energy Transition and Climate Change at BNDES


  • Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of the Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy
  • Elbia Gannoum, CEO of the Brazilian Wind Energy Association
  • Mônica Saraiva Panik, Director of Institutional Relations of the Brazilian Association of Green Hydrogen


11:00 - 11:50 | Panel 3 - Experiences and international cooperation: what are the foreign policy actions, trade agreements and investments necessary to enable and protect the interests of powerhoring and green neo-industrialization in Brazil?

Moderator: Everton Chaves, Special Advisor to the Presidency of BNB


  • Natalia Dias, Director of Capital Markets and Sustainable Finance at BNDES
  • Tatiana Prazeres, Secretary of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services
  • Phillip Fox-Drummond, Director of the Department of Economic, Financial and Services Policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Liane Freire, Founder of ELLA-IMPACTA/Founder and President of BLENDGROUP


12:00 - 12:50 | Panel 4: What are the bottlenecks that policymakers need to address to accelerate powerhoring and green neo-industrialization?

Moderator: Lytha Spindola, Director of Industrial Development and Economy at CNI


  • Luis Mosquera, Vice President Legal, Government Relations and Sustainability at Siemens
  • Eduardo Sattamini, CEO of Engie Brazil
  • Luis Viga, Director of Operations and Services at FMG Fortescue
  • Davi Bomtempo, Executive Manager of Environment and Sustainability at CNI


12:50 - 13:00 | Closure

  • Carlos Nobre, researcher at the Institute of Advanced Studies at USP, director of the Institute of Studies at UFES and director of the Amazon Third Way Initiative/Projeto Amazônia 4.0 –

* to be confirmed

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