Presentation of the 2014 RED - For a safer Latin America
The 2014 Economy and Development Report - RED - is titled "For a Safer Latin America. A new perspective to prevent and control crime", and seeks to share the knowledge that CAF has generated regarding this matter, as well as open debate spaces for the design and implementation of efficient public policies in the area of security.
Event date:
March 19, 2015

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Presentation of the 2014 Economy and Development Report (RED) "For a Safer Latin America: a new perspective to prevent and control crime"
- Montevideo, March 19th, 2015
- Place: Sheraton Hotel, Victor Soliño 349
- Time: 18.00-20.30hs
5:45 - 18:00: Welcome coffee
18:00 - 18:20: Seminar Inauguration
- Gladis Genua, CAF's Director Representative in Uruguay
- Eduardo Bonomi, Minister of the Interior of Uruguay
18:20 - 19:15: Presentation of the Report
- Daniel Ortega, Director of Impact Evaluation and Policy Learning, CAF
19:15 - 20:00: Comments Panel
- Moderator: Ana Maria Sanjuan, Senior Advisor for Institutional Development,
- Daniel Mejia, Professor at the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
- Joao M. De Mello, Professor at INSPER, Brazil
- Álvaro Garce, Lawyer, Candidate to the Montevideo Administration for the Party of the Concertacion (Coalition Party), proposed by the National Party
- Javier Donnangelo, Director of the Violence and Crime National Observatory
20.00-20.20hs: Questions and Discussion
20.20-20.30hs: Closing
- Pablo Sanguinetti, Corporate Director for Economic Analysis and Knowledge for Development, CAF