Presentation of the 2014 RED - Madrid
The 2014 Economy and Development Report, RED, titled "For a Safer Latin America. A new perspective to prevent and control crime" seeks to share the knowledge that CAF has generated regarding this issue, as well as open spaces to debate about the design and implementation of efficient public policies in the area of safety.
Event date:
March 12, 2015

To register for the event, click here
Presentation of the 2014 Economy and Development Report (RED) "For a Safer Latin America: a new perspective to prevent and control crime".
19:00 - 19:10: Seminar Inauguration
- Tomas Poveda, General Director of the Casa de America.
- Guillermo Fernandez de Soto, Director for Europe, CAF.
19:10 - 19:50: Presentation of the 2014 Economy and Development Report (RED).
- Lucila Berniell, Principal Economist, Direction of Economic Analysis and Knowledge for development, CAF.
19:50 -
20:25: Round Table
- Moderator: German Rios, Director of Strategic Affairs, CAF.
- Francisco Martinez, Secretary of State for Security
- Carlos Malamud, Principal Researcher for Latin America, Real Instituto Elcano
- Marisa Ramos, Professor at IELAT and General Coordinator for the Conference of Ministers of Justice from Ibero-American Countries (COMJIB, for its acronym in Spanish)
20.25-20.40: Questions and Debate
Casa de America
Plaza de Cibeles, 2. 28014 Madrid
Telephone No.: +34 91 595 48 00