Presentation of the 2015 RED in Uruguay
CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, and the AECID's Training Center will present the 2015 Economy and Development Report (RED, for its acronym in Spanish) in Uruguay "Un Estado más efectivo. Capacidades para el diseño, la implementación y el aprendizaje de políticas públicas" (A more effective State. Capacities for the design, implementation and learning of public policies)
Event date:
September 29, 2015
An effective State requires capacities to design, implement, and learn about policies. The 2015 RED suggests four key elements to achieve this: Quality bureaucracy. public purchasing systems, citizen participation, monitoring, and evaluation.
Date: Tuesday, September 29th
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Place: Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española
25 de Mayo 520, Montevideo