CAF Reaffirms its Commitment to Uruguay’s Sustainable Development

February 04, 2022

During his visit to the South American nation, CAF executive president Sergio Díaz-Granados met with the Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou, and also spoke with the Ministers of Economy and Finance, Transport and Public Works, and Environment; in addition to the president of the Central Bank.

CAF Reaffirms its Commitment to Uruguay’s Sustainable Development

Reaffirming ties with Uruguay, the executive president of CAF—development bank of Latin America—visited Uruguay to meet with President Luis Lacalle Pou and different ministers, and reaffirmed the CAF’s commitment to promoting initiatives with a high impact on the nation’s development, such as the modernization of infrastructures, education systems, regional integration, and water and sanitation projects.

This is Díaz-Granados’ second visit to Uruguay since assuming the presidency of CAF on September 1, 2021. On this occasion, in addition to meeting with Lacalle Pou, he held meetings with Minister of Economy and Finance Azucena Arbeleche, along with the president of the Central Bank of Uruguay, Diego Labat; Minister of Transport and Public Works José Luis Falero; as well as with Minister of Environment Adrián Peña.

As part of its goal of improving the quality of life of Latin Americans, CAF has helped finance major infrastructure projects, educational programs and developments of entrepreneurs and members of the productive sector in Uruguay.

Díaz-Granados said that his visit aimed to reaffirm the agency’s commitment to development and working together to continue building the future for the country.