CAF Strengthens Ties with Brazil to Promote Sustainable Development

February 02, 2022

CAF executive president Sergio Díaz-Granados visited Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro and Niterói, where he met with authorities and businessmen and ratified CAF’s commitment to support the nation’s development plans and economic revival.

During his visit to Brazil, Díaz-Granados visited CAF-funded urban revitalization works in Niterói, which are improving mobility dynamics and quality of life in the city while promoting local development.

Together with Niterói mayor Axel Grael, Díaz-Granados visited the Orla Piratininga Park (POP), the Chico Xavier Park road, the Piratininga cycle lane, the Engenho do Mato Terminal and the Transoceanic Route. “It is impressive to see the transformation of a city as beautiful and productive as Niterói, and to appreciate the improvements in urban mobility and access to public transport,” Diaz-Granados noted.

In Brasilia, CAF’s executive president met with several authorities, including the Secretary of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Sarquis Sarquis, the President of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), Gustavo Montezano, and the Special Secretary for Foreign Trade and Strategic Affairs of the Ministry of Economy, Robert Fendt. In the meetings, they discussed future joint initiatives and analyzed the economic scenarios of the region.

Diaz-Granados also signed an agreement with the Secretary-General of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), María Alexandra Moreira López, to improve the living conditions of the population in the Amazon basin in eight countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela).

The first joint action will be the “Amazônia Relisiente Initiative,” which calls for strengthening the Amazon Regional Observatory (ORA), a permanent virtual forum coordinated by the ACTO that promotes the flow of information between institutions and intergovernmental authorities, serving as a reference for regional scientific-technological information and the socio-cultural diversity of the Amazon.