CAF supports Latin America's integrity agenda together with OECD: Artificial Intelligence & Green Transition are priorities

April 05, 2024

CAF, through the Digital Transformation Directorate (DTD), attended the 2024 edition of the Global Forum on Integrity & Anti-Corruption organized by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) at the end of March 2024 #GACIF, where the OECD Public Integrity Indicators were presented and the new OECD Integrity Panorama 2024 was launched.

CAF supports Latin America's integrity in conjunction with OECD

Copyright Image: © OECD 2024, Hervé Cortinat.

As part of the Global Forum, CAF participated in the meeting “Promoting integrity and strengthening the fight against corruption in Latin America”, with 65 representatives from the Latin American region, including from several Brazilian States and Municipalities. Participants shared priorities for the region for the coming years in terms of public integrity, such as:

  • Ensuring the continuity and implementation of integrity and anti-corruption policies so as to reduce the considerable gaps between what is consigned in norms and plans, versus what is implemented.
  • Restore citizen confidence in public institutions in order to combat a global trend of political polarization and erosion of democratic values. In 2022, only 36.3% of citizens in the countries of the region reported having confidence in their national government, according to the most recent OECD report.
  • In line with the OECD Integrity Panorama, anti-corruption and integrity promotion efforts will also focus on artificial intelligence and green transition.
  • Organized crime linked to corruption remains a persistent challenge in the region that impacts security and trust.