CAF will support the intervention of 3,370 km of roads in Peru through PROREGION II with the approval of USD 200 million.

July 18, 2024

This financing will support the improvement of 3,370 km of roads, promoting efficient infrastructure and logistics services in regions with export and productive potential.

CAF allocates USD 200 million to intervene 3,370 km of roads in Peru
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The Board of Directors of CAF - development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean - reiterated its commitment to Peru's economic reactivation by approving USD 200 million to partially finance the Road Infrastructure Program for Regional Competitiveness (PROREGION II), which promotes an efficient provision of infrastructure and transportation and logistics services in regions with export potential, cargo consolidation and developing productive transformation.

Of the 15 road corridors planned in the second phase of PROREGION, CAF will support, with partial financing, interventions in 9 of these prioritized feeder roads, which reach a total length of 3,370 km, and of which 2,080 km consider improvement activities at the level of basic solutions, benefiting more than 2 million inhabitants of the departments of Arequipa, Cajamarca, Cusco, Huánuco, Ica, Lima and Ucayali.

“As allies of Peru's development and sustainable and inclusive growth, we continue to support the wellbeing of the population and the country's productivity with resilient road infrastructure for the adaptation and prevention of climate disasters that allow us to address the link in the logistics chain between the production zone and the collection center. Since 2021, we have been supporting the first phase of this Program and, given the impact that has been presented with the works executed so far, CAF seeks to continue supporting its second phase to improve the access of the population and production to national and international consumer markets, allowing to reduce the high logistics costs and contribute to the country's competitiveness,” said Sergio Diaz-Granados, CAF's executive president.

The second phase of PROREGION will address bottlenecks in the transportation of goods by reducing vehicle operating costs, travel times for users and cargo, losses or shrinkage of perishable products, and future resource requirements for the rehabilitation of infrastructure through timely and preventive maintenance, among other benefits.

This operation is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically with No. 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure; SDG 8, which seeks to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth; SDG 10, associated with the reduction of inequalities; SDG 11, linked to sustainable cities and communities; and SDG 12 on responsible production and consumption.