Panamanian university first in the region to make world’s top 50 PCT patent applicants August 14, 2018 Panama
Paraguay moves forward in patent applications with support from CAF and CONACYT August 14, 2018 Paraguay
Third Latin American and Caribbean Meeting of Logistical Port Communities August 13, 2018 Transport Logistics Peru
CAF’s free online course on modification, renegotiation and rebalancing of PPP contracts August 09, 2018 Water Energy Energetic infrastructure Telecommunications and ict Iict infraestructure
CAF promotes regional integration infrastructure to boost Latin America development August 09, 2018 Energy Energetic infrastructure External relations Trade and investment Regional presence
CAF Free Online Course on PPP Contracts August 09, 2018 Water Energy Energetic infrastructure Telecommunications and ict Iict infraestructure
CAF to implement two new Adaptation Fund projects August 08, 2018 Environment Climate change Chile Ecuador
CAF confirms its commitment towards Colombia’s sustainable development August 07, 2018 Cities Infrastructure and mobility External relations Regional presence Productive transformation