CAF supports fiscal consolidation in Trinidad and Tobago July 19, 2016 Energy Efficiency and renewable energy Transport
USD 450 million to improve urban mobility and territorial connectivity in Colombia July 19, 2016 Cities Urban competitiveness Infrastructure and mobility Road infrastructure Colombia
USD 400 millones para mejorar la infraestructura vial y la movilidad urbana en Buenos Aires July 19, 2016 Cities Infrastructure and mobility Road infrastructure Logistics Transport
CAF approves USD 219 million to improve the comprehensive management of water in Argentina July 19, 2016 Water Resource management water Sanitation and potable Drainage Environment
USD 95 million to improve water management in Burunga and Arraiján July 19, 2016 Water Sanitation and potable Panama
CAF and Udelar promote training for those responsible for the design and implementation of public policies July 19, 2016 Uruguay
CAF, Government of Argentina, and Fundación Pro Vivienda Social make an alliance to improve the habitat of vulnerable neighborhoods July 19, 2016 Social innovation Construction of Ecosystem Argentina
Efficient production of raw cane sugar will improve the lives of thousands of families in Colombia July 18, 2016 Environment Climate change Colombia