Why is energy efficiency important? March 31, 2014 Energy Efficiency and renewable energy Energetic infrastructure Energetic integration
The Conference on Education And Innovation For Inclusion And Productivity, organized by CAF, ended successfully. March 31, 2014 Argentina
CAF-SIECA Alliance to Promote Regional Integration March 29, 2014 External relations Trade and investment Brazil
The value of Social Inclusion for The Development March 27, 2014 Equity and social inclusion Productive transformation Inclusión social Socioproductive inclusion Género e inclusión social
The opportunities of Latin America and ICTs March 27, 2014 Telecommunications and ict Iict infraestructure
Entrepreneurs will Learn How to Present Proposals to Investors March 26, 2014 Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia
Brazil's Environment Ministry and CAF sign accord to address Climate Change March 25, 2014 Environment Brazil
Caf and Ministry of Mining and Energy Sign Agreement for Energy Integration in Latin America March 25, 2014 Brazil