Electrical interconnections: a Bolivian priority August 29, 2016 Energy Energetic integration Bolivia
Latinoamérica Verde Awards (Green Latin America), betting for change August 24, 2016 Environment Green business Climate change Ecuador
Successful experiences in caring for the environment were shared in the II Meeting of those Responsible for the Environment August 24, 2016 Environment Climate change Environmental management Ecuador
Green financing, key for development August 24, 2016 Environment Green business Climate change Ecuador
Latin America and the Caribbean work on the definition of sustainable consumption and production indicators August 09, 2016 Environment Environmental management Panama
New contribution of the European Commission and AFD to CAF to promote sustainable cities in Latin America - July 25, 2016 Environment Green business Climate change Europe
Independent fishermen and textile MSE´s sin Peru will benefit from socio-productive projects July 20, 2016 Environment Green business Equity and social inclusion Climate change Productive transformation
CAF supports fiscal consolidation in Trinidad and Tobago July 19, 2016 Energy Efficiency and renewable energy Transport
CAF approves USD 219 million to improve the comprehensive management of water in Argentina July 19, 2016 Environment Water Resource management water Sanitation and potable Drainage