New Open Online Course on Energy Efficiency in Buildings March 23, 2020 Energy Efficiency and renewable energy Energetic infrastructure Energetic integration
CAF, AFD Sign USD 150 Million Credit Line for Climate Change Mitigation in Latin America March 20, 2020 Environment Climate change Green business Environmental management Peru
We are strengthening our presence in Mexico with the signing of a new agreement with BBVA Mexico to underpin the productive sector March 20, 2020 Mexico
New Green Space Management Plan for Guayaquil March 16, 2020 Environment Climate change Environmental management Ecuador
How social innovation improves quality of life in Amazonian communities through cell phones and telemedicine March 11, 2020 Social innovation Services for the majority Peru
Women Are Less Likely to Access Consumer Credits March 09, 2020 Gender Productive transformation Género e inclusión social genero-0
CAF Shareholders Committed to Strengthening the Institution March 05, 2020 Productivity Productive integration External relations
Tacachira wastewater treatment plant will benefit 18,000 El Alto residents March 05, 2020 Water Sanitation and potable Bolivia