Andean parliament awards Enrique García, president of CAF -Development Bank of Latin America- with Medial of Integration

The Andean Parliament bestowed its highest honor on Enrique Garcia, by awarding him the medal of integration, the Order of the Grand Cross. Garcia was recognized for his efforts to develop programs and execute projects that promote social well-being and economic prosperity in Latin America.

November 21, 2012

(Bogota, November 21 2012) – In an official ceremony, the Andean Parliament bestowed the award on the President of CAF –development bank of Latin America--, for his contribution to the growth and prosperity of the region. Participating in the ceremony, which took place in Bogota, were the parliamentary representatives of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile.

The Andean Parliament confers this special honor on individuals and institutions which distinguish themselves by their outstanding service to the Andean Parliament and to the process of integration in the Andean region.

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