CAF Boosts Local Capital Markets With a CRC 32.5 billion Issuance in Costa Rica
February 27, 2025
To promote the triple impact B Enterprises model in Latin America, CAF sealed a strategic alliance with Sistema B Internacional. This initiative is based on a business paradigm that coordinates profitable operations that provide effective solutions to social and environmental problems
January 22, 2015
B enterprises, created by B Lab in the United States, are a new form of understanding the role of the private enterprise that is starting to gain ground. It is precisely in betting for its expansion in our continent, where CAF invests to accelerate and expand the development of these types of organizations and social entrepreneurships, an operation headed by its Social Innovation Initiative, which in a first phase is being implemented in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile and Uruguay, and will extend to Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru in brief.
As part of the alliance with Sistema B, different intiatives such as being "Dia B" (B Day) are encouraged. A day dedicated to share experiences and best practices in b enterprises, with the participation of different kinds of entrepreneurs.
Legal meetings are held with lawyers representing different legal firms to learn firsthand, from its author William H. Clark, about the law that regulates the benefits corporations in the United States in order to promote a regulatory framework which is favorable for the movement of B Enterprises in Latin America.
The portal Academia B is launched. It is a virtual platform of knowledge for all where in an accessible and friendly manner, information may be obtained regarding the most recent case studies, publications, thesis, reports, and books produced by the academic community with respect to B Enterprises and this global movement.
With respect to technical-entrepreneurial strengthening, the Company Builder is promoted. It is an initiative which includes the participation of a selection of the best entrepreneurships in a mentoring program where the objective of the participants is to achieve their triple impact strategy and an investment prospect that allows them to create a valuable company with possibilities of continuity in the market. To date, Company Builder has certified 38 B Enterprises and 10 are in the certification process.
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025
February 21, 2025