CAF announces the first edition of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Forum 2025 in Panama
December 20, 2024
December 07, 2005
"With the conclusion of the works included in the Yacyretá Termination Plan, set for 2010, the hydroelectric complex will add about 7,500 additional GWh to the interconnected system of Argentina and Paraguay, increasing the reliability of the electricity systems, strengthening capacity for power generation, transmission and distribution in densely populated areas with important industrial production, as well as reinforcing regional electricity integration and the energy markets," Garcia said.
Yacyretá is a multipurpose binational undertaking (Argentina and Paraguay), whose construction began in 1983 with the main objective of increasing electricity generation. The project will also improve navigability on the Paraná River, controlling the periodic rises, improve irrigation infrastructure on both river banks and rehabilitate the communication routes between both countries.In November 2004, considering the urgent need to increase the country’s electricity generating capacity to meet stronger demand and improve the reliability of the system, the Argentine government gave priority to increasing the supply of gas and electricity generation, which are the main components of the national energy matrix. As a result, it began to implement the National Energy Plan 2004-2008, which assigns priority to the completion of the Yacyretá Complex and the construction of the line connecting transmission line to take out the incremental power.
The Infrastructure Replacement Program, which CAF is financing, will concentrate on the cities of Carmen de Paraná and Encarnación (both in Paraguay) and Posadas (in Argentina), border urban centers whose physical infrastructure will be affected by the higher level of the reservoir. The Program is closely coordinated with an integrated relocation and resettlement program for the affected population estimated at 18,000 families, which is in full execution with promising results. The financing program comprises the construction of a new coastal embankment to protect the cities from wave action, and coastal avenues to improve the landscape and its urban fabric; construction of roads and bridges; relocation of electricity lines; construction of the Encarnación airport and ports. All these works are part of the expansion and development plans for the area.December 20, 2024
December 10, 2024
December 09, 2024