Bolivia: stimulating knowledge of democracy

Over 600 community and sectoral leaders are receiving classes in democracy in their own communities with simultaneous translation for Spanish speakers. This Governance and Political Management Program is organized by the CAF jointly with the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA).

August 11, 2004

Over 600 community and sectoral leaders are receiving classes in democracy in their own communities with simultaneous translation for Spanish speakers. This Governance and Political Management Program is organized by the CAF jointly with the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA).

The course includes presentations by top-level intellectuals and academics. The objective is to generate a new class of leaders in the country who are trained to solve their differences through dialogue and deliberation so that violence is the last resort, not the first.

In the project, sectoral, peasant and indigenous organizations select community leaders from their members to attend a course on the social, political and economic situation in Bolivia, conflict resolution, human rights, tolerance ... in a word, a course to learn to play within the rules of democracy.

The over 600 delegates - from 16 localities around the country - will complete the 144 hours of classes next November. Participants who have an academic degree will receive a Graduate Diploma in Leadership from the Catholic University and IDEA while the others will receive a Diploma.

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