COVID-19: CAF Discusses Public Policies to Cope with Crisis in Latin America
April 14, 2020
Euromoney, CAF and BCIE shared their experiences in the region in the context of the COVID-19 emergency in an online seminar.
April 22, 2020
CAF—development bank of Latin America—is promoting discussion forums to come up with alternatives that benefit the region, such as the webinar “MDBs In The Time of Corona" organized by Euromoney, which aimed to share its vision and courses of action to address the emergency caused by from COVID-19, within the scope of their respective shareholder countries.
Gabriel Felpeto, Vice President of Finance at CAF, noted in his remarks that this type crises, as in similar situations in the past, are opportunities for supranational financial institutions such as CAF to strengthen their countercyclical role while ratifying their presence as preferential creditor for their shareholder countries, as has traditionally been the case during various crises experienced by the region.
CAF Vice President of Finance shared the floor with BCIE executive president Dante Mossi, and answered questions asked by moderator Christopher Garnett and seminar participants.
The seminar addressed relevant topics of interest such as the challenges facing Latin American countries, developments in capital markets, current cooperation between multilateral development financial institutions, support provided by shareholder countries to these institutions, collaboration of countries outside the region, the effect of the crisis on remittances, and future outlook of the region, among others.
March 21, 2025
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April 14, 2020
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April 16, 2020