CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
The participation of mayors, municipal and state secretaries and advisory teams in the presentation of financing requests for their projects is essential for the development of their municipalities and states. In Brazil, this participation of women in decision-making spaces continues to be low, which represents a difficulty for the construction of quality public policies that also include a gender perspective. With the aim of promoting the participation of more women in this strategic area of ??the public sector, and within the framework of its Strategy for Gender Equality, CAF joined theSecretariat of International Affairs and Development of the Ministry of Planning and Budget (SEAID/MPO) and with the support of theNational School of Public Administration (ENAP) and ofAlziras Institute to carry out a training course to attract external resources destined to finance local policies with a gender perspective, thus beginning a key technical cooperation. The event took place from Wednesday, May 8, and ended on Friday, the 10th.
May 14, 2024
With a broad and comprehensive approach, during the three days of training the different phases for the preparation, approval and execution of projects were addressed and specific initiatives that are being implemented were presented, with the aim of sharing good practices and opportunities for new projects. that seek to address priority demands of states and municipalities. The invited institutions were theInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development, heInter-American Development Bank, heworld Bank, theJapan International Cooperation Agency- JICA, theFrench Development Agency, KfW Development Bank, heInternational Fund for Agricultural Development, New Development Bank, FONPLATA and theMinistry of Finance of Brazil, who had their representatives in each panel and workshop.
Different areas were involved from CAF: the Brazil Country Office, the Gender, Inclusion and Diversity Management and the Institutional Development and Training Directorate, co-organizers of the event. In addition, Estefanía Laterza, CAF representative in Brazil, participated as main panelists; Angie Palacios, specialist in Mobility and Gender; José Rafael, Senior Executive of OP Brazil; Carlota Real, specialist in Water and Sanitation; Cecilia Guerra, specialist in Climate Change; Patricia Freitas, CAF external consultant; and Adriana Barbosa, director of the Feira Preta Institute. Guadalupe Aguirre, Gender Coordinator, participated as moderators; Marcella Zub Centeno, Gender specialist; and Nathalie Gerbasi, director of Institutional Development and Training.
At the opening of the event, CAF was represented by Ana Baiardi, manager of Gender, Inclusion and Diversity, who stated that the Gender area and the Institutional Development and Training area of ??CAF are united in pursuit of strengthening the leadership of women in all the Bank's shares. Furthermore, he highlighted that “Brazil is an important ally for CAF and we recognize the priority that the Government gives to gender issues, and in that framework, to the training of women leaders who act in politics to be potential catalysts of the changes that our societies need so much.” At this table she was also accompanied by Natália Teles da Mota, substitute president of Enap; Iara Alves, director of Executive Education at Enap; and Renata Amaral, Secretary of International Affairs and Development of the MPO. Likewise, the president of ENAP, Betânia Lemos, delivered her words virtually. The opening conference was then held, “The role of women in politics, in decision-making spaces and in promoting development in Brazil”, which again included the participation of Ana Baiardi.
On the first day, two panels were held: “Mobilization of External Resources as a Tool for Local Development”, in which the role of multilateral financing for the sustainable development of States and municipalities was discussed; and “From Project to Execution: The Institutional Journey to Change the Life of the Citizen”, in which the external financing process in Brazil was discussed, from the consultation letter to the signing of the contract. Estefanía Laterza, CAF representative in Brazil, participated in the first panel, while Guadalupe Aguirre, CAF Gender Coordinator, was in charge of moderating the second panel.
The event continued on Thursday morning, with the workshop “From School to the Road: What is the best financial instrument to deliver my policy?”. With the participation of CAF's external consultant, Patricia Freitas, this workshop focused on the advantages and characteristics of each type of loan, such as public investment projects, results-based programs and financing for policy development, as well as the role that collaboration with multilateral institutions can fulfill. The third panel of the event was then held, “The Impact of Infrastructure and Sanitation Projects in States and Municipalities under the Gender Lens”, where the benefits of better public health works for the populations and the challenge of insertion of women in the infrastructure sector. Representing CAF, Carlota Real, a water and sanitation specialist, participated in this panel.
“Cities that Think about Women and Women who Think about Cities: Innovative Local Policies on Housing and Urban Mobility” was the name of the fourth panel, which was attended by Angie Palacios, specialist in Mobility and Gender at CAF. This panel invited reflection on the role of women and other underrepresented groups in urban spaces, and the way in which housing planning and urban mobility impact their lives.
The day closed with the first thematic section, “Exploring Success Stories: Innovative approaches for the execution of local policies.” In this interactive space, participants were able to circulate between the tables, presenting how good practices can be replicated and scaled. The topics addressed were health, security, urban issues, poverty reduction in rural areas and care economy. Those in charge of moderating the space were Marcella Zub Centeno, CAF Gender specialist, and Nathalie Gerbasi, CAF Director of Institutional Development and Training.
The third day of the meeting began with the fifth panel "How to promote the generation of employment and income in States and Municipalities", where an initiative for female empowerment in the labor market that is being developed by the Bank in the city of Salvador, as well as other initiatives to increase female participation in the labor market at a national and global level, with niche challenges and opportunities for new projects.
The sixth panel, “Facing the Challenges of Climate Change in Cities and Rural Regions: Guaranteeing gender equality in the green transition,” was attended by Cecilia Guerra, CAF Climate Change Specialist. Mechanisms were shared to confront climate changes based on innovative solutions to increase the resilience of urban and rural areas. In addition, examples of climate change mitigation and adaptation projects led by women or focused on impacts for women, developed with the support of national and multilateral financing banks, were presented.
Shortly after, the Feedback Session was held, in which the conclusions and commitments to advance the gender agenda were presented. The organizing institutions had space for a closing speech, while the invited institutions were able to make their final comments. At the closing, Estefanía Laterza addressed the participating leaders: “we want to support you in that space that you conquered with so much difficulty. "We want to see a developed Brazil country for all people and we are here to give them the tools and support them in management."
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025