CAF, Andean Community and UNCTAD organize II Andean BIOTRADE Workshop in Bogotá

The meeting on September 23 and 24 will discuss joint strategies to develop sustainable use of the region’s immense biodiversity.

September 21, 2001

With the objective of exploring market opportunities, conservation tools and sustainable uses of biodiversity, the Andean Development Corporation (CAF), and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) are going ahead with a joint program to support BIOTRADE initiatives in the Andean countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.

CAF President Enrique García explained that "with the BIOTRADE programs, we want to use the unequaled opportunities for initiatives offered by the region in this field, promote the creation and implementation of mechanisms to stimulate investment and trade in biodiversity products and services, based on financial, social and economic sustainability."

Colombia, which is the most advanced country in the region in this field, has been implementing its BIOTRADE program since March this year with good results. In Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela, the programs are in the design stage.

Delegations from the five countries are meeting in the II Andean BIOTRADE Workshop to design joint mechanisms aimed at strengthening national BIOTRADE programs. The event, which has the backing of the UNCTAD BIOTRADE Initiative, will take place in Hotel Bogotá Plaza on September 23 and 24. With these workshops, the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) and the Andean Community are contributing to the creation of practical tools to promote this productive sector in the Andean countries, and strengthen cooperation with international organizations working in the area.

The opportunity of green markets The world market for products and services based on natural resources totals over US$900 billion and is growing steadily. The natural wealth of the Andean countries puts them in a privileged position to seize the opportunity offered. Green products currently account for 30% to 40% of these countries’ exports and are a very important item of their GDP.

The most interesting of the conventional markets for biological resources is the growing demand for products and services that incorporate principles of social and biological sustainability. A study by the International Trade Center (1999) estimated the retail market for organic products in the United States, Japan and the European Union at US$13 billion in 1998, and this is expected to grow to over US$60 billion within five years. The countries of the Andean region already export several million dollars’ worth of these products, generating a positive biological and social impact. Regional and local markets will grow as the public becomes more aware of environmental issues.

These BIOTRADE programs will help the business sector, NGOs and local communities to exploit the opportunities presented by this market. The assistance provided includes market information (timber- and non-timber-yielding, ecotourism and agriculture); local and international business contacts; design of business plans; information on certification and sustainability criteria; sources of financing for business ventures; information on legal aspects, trade, biodiversity, bibliographical information and contact with researchers.

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