CAF attracts Nordic finance to Latin America and the Caribbean

  • Under an agreement signed in Caracas, the Nordic Investment Bank will grant a US$30 million loan to CAF to finance projects of mutual interest for the Nordic countries and the region.

March 20, 1990

An important financial agreement was signed today with Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) in CAF headquarters in Caracas.

This second agreement between the two institutions consists of a US$30 million loan by NIB which CAF will use to finance projects of interest for the Nordic countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The agreement was signed by NIB President Jon Siguroson, and CAF President & CEO Enrique García – of Bolivian nationality – who said the loan was important because it was part of the Corporation's policy of attracting funds into the countries of the region, which in 1997 totaled approximately US$8 billion.

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