CAF Boosts Local Capital Markets With a CRC 32.5 billion Issuance in Costa Rica
February 27, 2025
The executive president of CAF, Luis Carranza, met with Colombian President-elect Iván Duque to reinforce the multilateral agency’s commitment to support major issues regarding the country’s socio-economic development. During his visit to Colombia, Carranza also announced that Bogota will host the next CAF Conference in Latin America, on November 7-8.
August 07, 2018
The executive president of CAF-development bank of Latin America, Luis Carranza, attended the inauguration of the newly elected President of Colombia, Iván Duque, confirming the multilateral agency’s support to projects that promote the nation’s sustainable development.
Prior to the formal event, Carranza and Duque, together with Gloria Alonso, Director of the National Planning Department, Andrés Valencia, Minister of Agriculture, and Carlos Holmes Trujillo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, held a meeting that helped build bridges between the new administration and CAF in areas such as the construction of rural roads, implementation of 4G networks, promotion of SMEs, improvements in urban transportation systems, institutional strengthening, increased competitiveness, and rural development, among others.
During his visit to Colombia, Carranza also announced that Bogota will host the next CAF Conference in Latin America, on November 7-8 . This forum is CAF’s largest annual event in the region, and this year it will bring together high government officials, academics, leading businessmen and global experts to address the challenges of productivity and innovation for development.
Between 2013 and 2017, CAF allocated funds in the amount of USD 8.99 billion for operations in Colombia, which represents an average of USD 1.79 billion a year. This accounts for 15% of the total funds approved by the agency.
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025
February 21, 2025