CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
A successful social innovation collaboration project between CAF, Transmilenio, Cable Móvil and Ilunion Tecnología y Accesibilidad improved TransMiCable accessibility for people with disabilities and others vulnerable groups.
May 29, 2019
The first public transport cable car in Bogota started operations in December of last year. TransMiCable serves the area of Ciudad Bolívar, transporting an average of 20,000 passengers a day, covering in only 13 minutes a distance that used to take more than an hour to travel. Thanks to CAF’s support, TransMiCable is now a more inclusive transport system.
In an example of innovation, creativity and collaboration between stakeholders from different sectors, CAF promoted and financed an exhaustive consulting project to ensure that TransMiCable has the optimal accessibility conditions for vulnerable groups, such as people with disabilities, pregnant women, minors and the elderly.
Through this social innovation initiative, Ilunion Tecnologíay Accesibilidad, a pioneering Spanish accessibility company, advised Cable Móvil, the TransMiCable operator, on the best way to mitigate physical, communicational and attitudinal barriers that often limit access for persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups to public transport. Another key stakeholder was Transmilenio S.A., Bogota’s public transport operator.
As a result, TransMiCable boasts now inclusive signage responsive to the needs of travelers of all kinds, service protocols to provide high-quality service to the most vulnerable users, and trained staff to serve all people appropriately regardless of their physical condition. Besides, and for the first time in Bogota, public transport staff received specific training on how to evacuate people with different types of disabilities in case of emergency.
This social innovation initiative was part of the collaboration agreement between CAF and the Spanish National Organization of the Blind (ONCE), the umbrella organization of Ilunion Tecnología and Accesibildad. This is the first collaboration experience in accessibility between CAF, ONCE and urban transport operators, which could be replicated in other cities in Latin America in the future.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025