CAF Offers 3 MOOCs to Improve PPP Contract Management

Questions such as “How to describe the organization and operating manual?”, “What to do in the event of an amendment, renegotiation and rebalancing?”, and “What to do in the event of breach, forfeit and early termination?” will be answered at the MOOCs led by CAF experts specializing in managing public-private partnership (PPP) contracts. The first course is scheduled to begin on June 22.

June 14, 2018

Management of public-private partnership (PPP) contracts plays a key role for project roadmaps to meet the established quality standards and deadlines. Having the skills to be able to efficiently organize, perform and monitor, and being prepared for any amendment, renegotiation, breach or early termination of contract, may be decisive in preventing delays and extra costs.

To contribute to sustainable development and to reinforce institutions in the region, CAF Development Bank of Latin America is offering three massive open online courses (MOOCs) free of charge, specializing in PPP contract management, following on from the induction course held recently. Each course will focus on specific aspects of management with a very practical approach aimed at improving project stakeholder skills and capabilities.

First course: “PPP Contract Management: Organization and Operating Manual,” beginning on June 22 and lasting 16 hours (equivalent to 2-3 weeks). The course is divided into two modules:

  • Module 1: how to select appropriate teams for each task, set the schedule and identify critical points, ensure good communication management and information exchange with multiple teams, and deal with key administrative tasks for good contract management such as: filing, monitoring indicators and risk.
  • Module 2: preparation of the management manual, which includes fundamentals on issues such as: who will be in charge of the task? Is one manual enough for all PPP projects? Would it be better to have one manual for each project? What should it contain? How can information be organized so that it may easily be understood?

Second course: "PPP Contract Management: Amendment, Renegotiation and Rebalancing,” beginning on August 7 and lasting 16 hours (equivalent to 2-3 weeks). The course is divided into two modules:

  • Module 1: what to do if a risk materializes; renegotiating and rebalancing contracts; what tools are available and how to use them.
  • Module 2: how to handle alterations to agreements, how to assess the effects caused and the adjustments and changes to contracts that this may bring about.

Third course: “PPP Contract Management: Breach, Confiscation and Early Termination,” beginning on September 4 and lasting 16 hours (equivalent to 2-3 weeks). The course is divided into two modules:

  • Module 1: how to follow up contracts, what to do in the event of a breach that may result in penalties and fines, and when.
  • Module 2: the forfeiting and early termination of contracts is analyzed.

This initiative targets professionals involved in the following areas of the public and private sectors: agencies responsible for overseeing and regulating PPP contracts; contractors, investors and project developers; government agencies; professional associations; as well as students and teachers involved in the area. 

The course approach is very practical and dynamic, combining textbook material, recommendations, examples, videos, case studies, exercises, recommended reading and evaluations. The course can be completed in only 24 hours of study, and it can be pursued concurrently with work duties. 

At the end of the course and after having completed 75% of each mandatory activity, students will receive a certificate of participation, free of charge. If students wish to receive a completion certificate, they must complete 100% of each mandatory activity and pay 40 euros.

Go to the course website for more information and to register.

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